Happy New Year! My One Word for 2025

We’ve made it to 2025, Praise God!

As I look ahead to this new year, I’m ready to prayerfully continue moving forward and continue experiencing even more breakthroughs.

My One Word for this year that I’d like to share is:


I’m praying this year and beyond will be filled with much fruit.

I’ll be meditating and standing on many Bible verses including:

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” (John 15:16 NIV)


If you’ve read my book God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress) you’ll recognize that Chosen is one of the Six Cs of Transformation.

I’m praying it’ll be another year of milestones and open doors.

I’m trusting it’ll be a year of Harvest and Jubilee!

We’re to grow in the Fruit of the Spirit:

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23 NIV)

And God’s got good works for us to do as it says in Ephesians 2:10 (NIV):

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

I’ve got a few book anniversaries coming up this year. I hope you’ll celebrate with me.

I also plan to continue writing, speaking, teaching, podcasting, coaching and more.

Please stay tuned for more details.

Thanks again for staying on this faith journey with me.

If you’re new around here, WELCOME!

I’m looking forward to sharing encouragement, inspiration and updates:

  • Here on my blog
  • Abounding Faith’s social media
  • Abounding Faith’s Email Community
  • Abounding Faith for Today podcast (available wherever you listen to podcasts)
  • Abounding Faith’s YouTube channel

Be sure to subscribe and like and follow Abounding Faith so we can stay connected.

As you look ahead to this new year, I pray you’ll also be filled with hope and faith.

May these 5 truths encourage you:

  • God is with Us
  • Nothing Surprises God
  • If God is for Us, who can be against Us
  • Greater is He who is in Us than he who is in the World
  • Jesus has Overcome the World

Feel free to share your One Word on Abounding Faith’s social media.

Let’s THRIVE in 2025!

To God be the Glory!


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!

Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.®

Reflecting on My BREAKTHROUGH Year – 2024

I’m so GRATEFUL to God for this BREAKTHROUGH Year!

So much happened this year. Was it perfect? Nope. But I experienced so many wonderful milestone moments. I’d like to share some of the highlights with you in this blog post, in the short video (above) or right here and in Episode 65 of the Abounding Faith for Today podcast that’s available wherever you listen to podcasts.

7 Highlight from this Breakthrough Year:

God-Given Dreams Book Launch – What an honor and joy it was to celebrate the launch of my very first traditionally published book in March! I’m so grateful for the family, friends and Readers who helped me celebrate this God-given dream come true and major writing milestone. The first half of the year was a whirlwind that included:

  • Speaking at online events, including encouraging my Christian friends working at the United Nations
  • I’m thrilled that authors Ann Voskamp, Jennifer Rothschild and Pam Farrel all helped spread the word about God-Given Dreams
  • I so appreciate those who endorsed my book including: Joyce Dinkins, Rebecca Garcia, Edward Gilbreath, Anthony Hewitt, Chris Luppo, Dr. Elizabeth Tamez Méndez and Rochelle Traub

You can check out some of the media outlets that interviewed me about God-Given Dreams on Abounding Faith’s Media page right here.

I hope you’ll pick up copies of God-Given Dreams for the wonderful women in your life. It’s available wherever books are sold and it’s available in print and as an audio and ebook. There’s also a free 7-day YouVersion Reading plan titled Live into Your God-Given Dreams. Having a plan on YouVersion is also a God-given dream come true!

Our Daily Bread Devotional Author – After years of waiting and praying and after writing behind the scenes, I’m so excited that my devotional articles are now being published in the Our Daily Bread devotional that reaches people all around the globe and is translated into 50+ languages! I’m so honored that my first article was a tribute to my Mom and my family’s salvation story and it ran on Mother’s Day this year! Only God could do that. I’m also touched whenever I get to share stories about my Dear Dad, my Hispanic heritage and my short-term missions trips. I share more thoughts and reflections in this blog post and Episode 64 of the Abounding Faith for Today podcast. Greetings to my ODB Readers! Thanks for your sweet messages! So glad you’re being encouraged by my devotional articles.

NYSB Instructor – It’s been another wonderful year of teaching online courses through the New York School of the Bible! I once again had such lovely students. I’m so grateful to have this space where we can come together as sisters in Christ (even if sometimes we’re in different states) to read and glean insight from Scripture and encourage one another in these online courses based on the Bible and many of my books. Only God could do that! Stay tuned for more information about the online courses I’ll be teaching in 2025.

Speaking – In addition to the interviews I did for radio, podcasts and online shows and the groups I spoke to during my book launch, I also spoke at:

  • Publishing in Color Conference – It was a blessing to get to pray for attendees (virtually) for the spring conference and to once again be a presenter at the fall conference
  • CWEN – What a joy it was to continue sharing encouraging devotional and prayer times with my CWEN Sisters. It’s always an honor to get to encourage my fellow female entrepreneurs with entries from my book Feisty Faith: Trusting God Day by Day (available on Amazon).

Abounding Faith for Today Podcast – I’m rejoicing that we hit Season 10 and crossed 60 episodes this year! Be sure to subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts so you don’t miss new episodes and tell your friends!

Abounding Faith’s YouTube Channel – Check out the 100+ encouraging videos shot here and abroad at youtube.com/@aboundingfaith1 Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a video.

Abounding Faith’s Online Store – Check out the NEW Living My God-Given Dreams collection. The journals, mugs, tote bags and more in the store make great gifts for you and yours.

Thank you for staying on this faith journey with me! I appreciate your continued prayers and support as I live out God’s call on my life in this season.

Only God knows what He has planned NEXT!

Whether you had a fabulous year or a tough one, I’d like to encourage you to hold on to these truths:

  • God is Good
  • God is Faithful
  • God is Sovereign, nothing surprises Him or thwarts His plans
  • God isn’t in a rush
  • Waiting doesn’t last forever (although many times if feels like that)
  • Storms do pass
  • God is with you in the storms
  • God loves YOU

When you think of me, please pray for me!

I’m so Thankful and Grateful for what God’s done, what He’s doing and what He will do!

To God be the glory!

Let’s stay connected and THRIVE in 2025 and beyond. Together, let’s continue encouraging and empowering people near and far as they walk by abounding faith, hope and love and dare to live their God-given dreams.

If you’re wondering how you can show your support for the work God’s called me to do in this season, check out the ideas mentioned in this short video. Blessings!


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!

Reflecting on being an Our Daily Bread Devotional Author

It’s been such a blessing to be an Our Daily Bread devotional author! I’m sharing a few reflections in this post and in Episode 64 of the Abounding Faith for Today podcast episode that you can listen to wherever you listen to podcasts. I’ll be sharing even more thoughts and reflections from this BREAKTHROUGH year in next week’s post.

Back when I won Our Daily Bread‘s Online Writing Contest for Readers, I took that as confirmation that I was on the WRITE track.

I felt drawn to write for the little devotional that my Mom used to bring home while she was in seminary and that I’d seen in my church’s lobby and had given out during evangelistic outreaches.

I’m not sure why but I was drawn to the blend of Bible stories and life application. I really liked how compact they are. The devotional booklets can easily fit in your purse or backpack so you can read it wherever you go. You can now also read it on Our Daily Bread Ministries’ website, app and listen to it on their podcast.

I had no idea that it would take TEN YEARS after winning the writing contest for my devotional articles to start appearing in the ODB devotional.

God knew this was my BREAKTHROUGH year for this particular God-given dream.

Here are some thoughts and reflections from having my first ten (now eleven) articles run in ODB:

It was super special for my very first article to be about my Mom and my family’s salvation story. It was extra special that it was the article that ran on Mother’s Day. Only God could do that!

Some of my favorite articles are when I get to share a memory about my Dear Dad or memories from my short-term missions trips.

It’s also nice when I’m watching the news or reading an article and I get inspired to connect that story with Scripture.

Writing so tight and succinctly for the devotional is an art form. You’d be surprised how challenging it can be. I’ve been surprised.

Writing a book or long article is challenging, but writing a short devotional also has it’s challenges. It’s like putting together a puzzle. What joy when all the pieces fit together!

I LOVE that the Our Daily Bread devotional is translated into 50+ languages. These devotional articles go further and faster than I ever could. It’s such a delight to hear the devotionals read in Spanish and other languages.

It’s been a blessing to get to meet (virtually) many of my fellow Our Daily Bread authors and to work with my editors. I’m so grateful to be part of the team.

It makes me smile when I see the ODB devotional around town. It’s even sweeter now that I’m one of the authors. I recently saw the booklets being used to save seats at my home church. That’s a common sight there.

It’s been nice to hear from readers. I’m so touched to hear that they’re being blessed by my articles (I’ve included a few notes below).

So far, I’ve heard from readers in at least 10 states and 1 other country (I’ve listed them below). It’s also lovely to hear from ODB Ambassadors who give out the ODB booklets in their neighborhood.

I’m so grateful that God has Created, Called and Chosen me for this assignment for such a time as this.

As I’ve shared in the past, after God called me out of my journalism career my writing went into hiding for YEARS! I didn’t think I’d ever write publicly again.

But God had a plot twist for me.

This writing breakthrough has been years in the making, but I’m honored to be in this season now.

I pray you’re encouraged by my devotional articles.

I also pray and am grateful to God for continuing to inspire me with words to write.

If you’ve missed any of my articles, you can find them all here.

Thanks for your prayers and support!

To God be the Glory!

Be encouraged. God-given dreams do come true!

If you’re an ODB devotional reader, please let me know on Abounding Faith’s social media.

So far, I’ve heard from ODB Readers in the following states and country:

  • Arizona
  • California
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Indiana
  • Maryland
  • Minnesota
  • New York
  • Texas
  • Washington
  • Bahamas

If you don’t see your state or country represented, please feel free to let me know where you’re reading ODB from.

Many blessings!


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today

New Abounding Faith for Today Podcast Episode (63): Notes From Nancy

I hope you’re encouraged by the three brief Notes From Nancy I’m sharing in Episode 63 of the Abounding Faith for Today podcast where I’m reminding you:

  • Don’t Give Up on Your God-Given Dreams
  • God’s Got You
  • You are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by God

You can find the corresponding videos on Abounding Faith’s YouTube channel.

The Abounding Faith for Today podcast is available wherever you listen to podcasts. Please take a moment to subscribe to this uplifting podcast, leave a kind rating and review and tell your friends about this podcast.

You can find more encouragement and inspiration in my book God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress). It’s available wherever books are sold and makes a great gift for the wonderful women in your life.

Learn more at AboundingFaith.com

Ways to Show Your Support: 

If you’re looking for a few ways to show your support for my podcast, blog and other work, feel free to buy me a virtual coffee or two or more here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://buymeacoffee.com/aboundingfaith⁠⁠⁠⁠

You can also check out Abounding Faith’s Dream Team on Patreon here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.patreon.com/aboundingfaith⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!

Our Daily Bread December Date – My 11th Devotional Article

What a God-given dream come true that my ELEVENTH article is appearing in the Our Daily Bread devotional. It’s my final ODB article for this BREAKTHROUGH year.

Please be on the lookout for my article Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 10 in print or on Our Daily Bread Ministries’ website, app, podcast, YouTube channel or social media.

If you’re encouraged by my articles, please feel free to say hi on Abounding Faith’s social media 👋

If you receive the monthly printed Our Daily Bread devotional, I’d love to know!

Please feel free to share the article with others who could use some encouragement 🙏


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!

Abounding Faith’s Christmas Gift Guide 2024

Give the gift of encouragement and inspiration!

God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress) is a perfect treat for you and the fabulous women in your life. The Six Cs of Transformation framework I share as well as the Bible verses, Bible Beauties, personal anecdotes and insights, the reflection questions and the action step ideas will help empower Readers to step out in faith and say YES to God’s call on their life! God-Given Dreams is available wherever books are sold.

Waiting on God Well, Abounding Faith, Crossing Your Jordan River, By Faith and Feisty Faith also make great gifts and wonderful additions to home libraries. They’re available on Amazon.

You can watch a short book promo video right here.

Be sure to also check out the NEW Living My God-Given Dreams collection at Abounding Faith’s online store right here. The mugs, notebooks, tote bags and more items found in the various collections are designed to inspire you as you walk by abounding faith, hope and love and dare to live your God-given dreams!

You can watch a short Christmas Gift Guide promo video right here.

Happy Cyber Monday!

Scroll down to see my gift PDF to you.


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today

Grateful for You! Please Share Your thoughts in this Year’s Reader Survey

Hi Lovely Reader 👋  I’m so grateful for you and your continued support and prayers!

If my books, blog, social media posts, podcast, videos, etc. have encouraged and inspired you, I’d love to know.

Would you take a few quick moments to share your thoughts in this year’s Reader Survey?

I appreciate and value your feedback especially as I pray and plan for next year and beyond  🙏

It’s quick and doesn’t take long to fill out.

Your input is important to me.

Please fill out this brief survey by Friday, December 6, 2024.

Thanks for your support as I continue to encourage people as they walk by faith, hope and love and dare to live their God-given dreams❣️


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!

Check out the God-Given Dreams Series on the Abounding Faith for Today Podcast

The new God-Given Dreams series of the Abounding Faith for Today podcast is perfect to listen to as you’re praying and planning to step out in faith and say YES to God’s call on your life.

Be encouraged and inspired as you check out the following episodes:

Episode 59 – I’m sharing about living your divine purpose. I’m sharing some of the 6 Cs of Transformation from my latest book God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress) to inspire and encourage you. 

Episode 60 – Happy 60th Episode of the Abounding Faith for Today podcast 🎉 In this episode I’m talking about Bible Beauties. I write about 6 Bible Beauties in God-Given Dreams.

Episode 61 – What’s a God-given dream? I’m talking about God-given dreams and sharing a bit about my journey in this episode.

Episode 62 – What’s YOUR God-given dream? This episode will help you as you’re discovering and discerning God’s call on your life.

I’m praying for you at the end of each podcast episode as usual.

The Abounding Faith for Today podcast is available wherever you listen to podcasts.

Please take a moment to subscribe to this uplifting podcast, leave a kind rating and review and tell your friends about this podcast.

Grab your copy of the empowering God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress) book that I mention in these episodes wherever books are sold.


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!

Dates for My November Our Daily Bread Devotional Articles – My 9th & 10th Articles

What an honor that my NINTH and TENTH articles are appearing in the Our Daily Bread devotional this month  🙌

Please be on the lookout for my articles today, November 4 and November 25 in print or on Our Daily Bread Ministries’ website, app, podcast, YouTube channel or social media.

If you’re encouraged by my articles, please feel free to say hi on Abounding Faith’s social media 👋

If you receive the monthly printed Our Daily Bread devotional, I’d love to know!

Please feel free to share these articles with others who could use some encouragement 🙏


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!

Welcome to Season 10 of the Abounding Faith for Today Podcast

Great news. Season 10 of the Abounding Faith for Today podcast is here.

I kicked off the new season with Episode 58 my Hispanic Heritage Month Greeting and Episode 59 where I’m sharing about living your divine purpose.

I’m sharing some of the 6 Cs of Transformation from my latest book God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress) to inspire and encourage you. God-Given Dreams is available wherever books are sold.

I plan to share more podcast episodes in the upcoming weeks.

The uplifting Abounding Faith for Today podcast is available wherever you listen to podcasts.

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.

If the episodes encourage and inspire you, please be sure to leave a kind rating and review and tell your friends about it.


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!