Gripped By God’s Grace (Part 5) – [PODCAST EPISODE 42]

NEW Podcast Episode 📣 Episode 42 is based on my “Gripped by God’s Grace (Part 5)” blog post. May it encourage you on your grief journey 🔥

All eight seasons of the inspiring and encouraging Abounding Faith for Today podcast are available wherever you listen to podcasts, including Audible and:

Kind ratings and reviews are greatly appreciated. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any episodes and please help spread the word about this uplifting and edifying podcast 🔥


Did this post encourage you? Get access to the FREE Feisty Faith: Trusting God Day by Day 5-Day Sampler PDF as a gift when you sign up for Abounding Faith’s email list. Get updates on Abounding Faith’s books, blog, podcast, life coaching and more by clicking here or the image below.

Gripped By God’s Grace (Part 5) – Celebrating My Dear Dad Two Years Later

How in the world does this month mark two years since my Dear Dad’s promotion to Heaven?

It’s been quite a journey filled with ups and downs, highs and lows, and tears and joy.

God has been so faithful to see me through it all.

My Dear Dad left such an indelible mark on me over the years that it’s almost like he’s still here.

I got to know my Dad rather well over the years, so I can try to guess or imagine how he would respond or react to certain news and situations.

I KNOW he’d be celebrating that I’ve signed my first book deal and that I’m teaching five classes at a Bible school based on my books.

I KNOW he’d want me to keep going and enjoy my life.

He wouldn’t want me wallowing in sorrow. And so, I still honor and remember my Dad fondly and with joy.

I’m grateful to God for the years of wonderful memories and so grateful to know my Dear Dad is with my Heavenly Father.

It’s so comforting knowing he’s rejoicing with God.

I also find comfort in helping to keep his memory alive my talking about him and sharing memories.

I appreciate my Dad’s love and hard work for us even more as time passes.

Finding photos and souvenirs and cards are like finding treasure 💕

So how am I doing?

Ok, by the grace of God.

Here’s a few things that are helping:

  • I still enjoy wearing jewelry and clothes my Dad gave me as a way to honor him and his culture.
  • I still enjoy sharing memories and photos of him.
  • I enjoy certain foods and songs that remind me of him.
  • I still dream with my Dad often. I don’t mind (I dream with lots of other people too).

Here are some things that are still a struggle:

  • I still haven’t watched videos except for the Merry Christmas greeting. I want to save the videos for another time.
  • There’s still a song I refuse to listen to.
  • There’s still a few of our fave places I’m not ready to go back to.

There’s no real rhyme or reason to grief.

But God’s grace is sufficient!

And God’s comfort is real:

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

Life is never the same, but it does go on by the grace of God.

If you’re in the thick of it, keep letting God heal and comfort you. Reach out to a professional if you need to 💕

Making me smile with lots of memories. That’s My Dad 💖

Here’s a recent tribute I’d like to share:

Celebrating My Dear Dad – Dinners With My Dad Edition🎉 So grateful for all the lovely dinners I had with My Dad. We liked exploring new places but also had our favorite spots. We’d go out on special occasions or just to catch up, especially after he or I had been traveling. I have tons of photos to treasure and that I’ll share every now and again. My Dad had a hearty appetite and enjoyed a great meal and great conversation. Chowing down and conversing with me … That’s My Dad 💖

Pic taken at an Ecuadorian restaurant that had recently opened (pre-pandemic). My Dad loved showing his support for his gente 🇪🇨 and local businesses 👊

If you’d like to learn a little more about my Dear Dad and some of our travels, check out, By Faith: Adventures and Reflections on Walking With God Here and Abroad.

If you’d like to read some more of my tributes and learn about some of what’s helped me through this grief journey, check out the blog post links below or Season 6 of the Abounding Faith for Today podcast. I pray you’ll be encouraged on your own grief journey.


Did this post encourage you? Get access to the FREE Feisty Faith: Trusting God Day by Day 5-Day Sampler PDF as a gift when you sign up for Abounding Faith’s email list. Get updates on Abounding Faith’s books, blog, podcast, life coaching and more by clicking here or the image below.

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.comThe “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

Pray & Dream – Motivational Monday with Coach Nancy, Abounding Faith Coaching & Consulting

Hey Audacious Dreamers & Doers, we’ve made it to February. I’m curious how it’s going with your goals for this year?

Hope you’re still having a great start to 2023 🙏

Hope you’re taking time to Pray and Dream 🔥

If you’re feeling stuck in a rut or feeling confused about you’re next right step, I’d be delighted to help you gain the clarity, confidence and courage to say yes to God’s call on your life.

My signature “6 C’s of Transformation” life coaching framework will help guide and inspire you and help to keep you accountable as you prepare for you breakthrough.

As your Life Coach, I can prayerfully help you:

  • Discover your God-given gifts and purpose
  • Develop a personalized action plan so you can use your unique giftings and skills to impact and inspire others
  • Dare to live your God-given dreams and purpose and experience that breakthrough you’ve been longing for

I can help you go from:

  • frazzled to focused
  • frustrated to fruitful
  • fearful to fierce

If you’re looking to use your spiritual gifts to make a difference and need some coaching, encouragement, and accountability along the way, I’d be delighted to be in your corner and help you experience your breakthrough.

Let’s SOAR together in 2023!

Learn more about Christian Life Coaching.

Be fierce. Be faithful. Be fruitful. Be who God is calling you to be!


Did this post encourage you? Get access to the FREE Feisty Faith: Trusting God Day by Day 5-Day Sampler PDF as a gift when you sign up for Abounding Faith’s email list. Get updates on Abounding Faith’s books, blog, podcast, life coaching and more by clicking here or the image below.

Guest on the She Impacts Culture Podcast (Part 2)

Part 2 of my lovely conversation on the She Impacts Culture podcast is now live 🔥

Here’s more about Episode 71 straight from host Dr. Jen Bennett:

💥 Thinking of making a career switch?

💥 Want to live the adventure God has for you but not sure how to navigate the fear, doubt, and worry that creeps in?

💥 Want to dream again, but you’re unsure where or how to start due to past hurts and disappointments?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then episode #71 of the #SheImpactsCulture podcast is for you!

I’m excited to continue my conversation with Nancy Gavilanes on professional dreams, work, and faith!

Hope you’re blessed and encouraged by our conversation. Listen on your favorite platform or click this link and be sure to tell your friends.

P.S. If you’d like to invite me to be a guest on your podcast, DM me on Abounding Faith’s Instagram for more info and feel free to check out Abounding Faith’s Media Page for other interviews I’ve done and articles I’ve written.


Did this post encourage you? Get access to the FREE Feisty Faith: Trusting God Day by Day 5-Day Sampler PDF as a gift when you sign up for Abounding Faith’s email list. Get updates on Abounding Faith’s books, blog, podcast, life coaching and more by clicking here or the image below.

Guest on the She Impacts Culture Podcast

What a blessing to be a guest on the She Impacts Culture podcast 🙌 Part 1 of my fascinating conversation with Dr. Jen Bennett is now live 🔥

Here’s more about the episode straight from the host:

Wow! I can’t believe we’ve made it to the 70th episode of the #SheImpactsCulture podcast! And today, you are in for a treat! Friends, if you are a dreamer and a doer, and if you enjoy achievement and accomplishments (like me), you will love this episode!

My guest, Nancy Gavilanes, and I specifically chat through:

💥 The top 3 warning signs for when achievement and accomplishments have become our idol

💥 How to not allow the desire for more to become our idol

💥 Setting healthy boundaries between moving forward in our work and being content with where God has us

💥 How to surrender our professional dreams to God

Friends, we live in a very achievement, driven world. If we’re not careful, we will find our identity is tied to what we achieve and accomplish. This episode will encourage you to place your professional dreams in the hands of Jesus and to trust the journey that He has you on.

Hope you’re blessed and encouraged by our conversation. Listen on your favorite platform or click this link and be sure to tell your friends.

P.S. If you’d like to invite me to be a guest on your podcast, DM me on Abounding Faith’s Instagram for more info and feel free to check out Abounding Faith’s Media Page for other interviews I’ve done and articles I’ve written.


Did this post encourage you? Get access to the FREE Feisty Faith: Trusting God Day by Day 5-Day Sampler PDF as a gift when you sign up for Abounding Faith’s email list. Get updates on Abounding Faith’s books, blog, podcast, life coaching and more by clicking here or the image below.

New Year of Teaching at Bible School – Feisty Faith Online Class

“I FELT that one!”- Feisty Faith NYSB Online Student

“That was confirmation! Thank you!”- Feisty Faith NYSB Online Student

What a joy to get to start the NEW school year with my students and to get to talk about… FAITH 🔥

I’m touched by their words (above) that were in reaction to hearing me read one of the inspiring Feisty Faith entries 🔥

Can’t join us for class? Pick up a copy of the encouraging and empowering Feisty Faith: Trusting God Day by Day 365- day devotional that has inspired my Bible school students, a global network of Christian women entrepreneurs and many more.

Read Feisty Faith solo or with your family, friends, connect group or book club, etc. Kind Amazon reviews and ratings are always welcome.

Let your faith arise 🔥


Did this post encourage you? Get access to the FREE Feisty Faith: Trusting God Day by Day 5-Day Sampler PDF as a gift when you sign up for Abounding Faith’s email list. Get updates on Abounding Faith’s books, blog, podcast, life coaching and more by clicking here or the image below.

Book Deal News [New Podcast Episode]

Check out the first NEW episode of the Abounding Faith for Today podcast for the new year🔥 I’m sharing my BIG writing news, my “One Word” for 2023 and more in Episode 41 of the Abounding Faith for Today Podcast.

All eight seasons of the inspiring and encouraging Abounding Faith for Today podcast are available wherever you listen to podcasts, including Audible and:

Kind ratings and reviews are greatly appreciated. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any episodes and please help spread the word about this uplifting and edifying podcast 🔥

P.S. Here’s the video announcement in case you missed it:


Did this post encourage you? Get access to the FREE Feisty Faith: Trusting God Day by Day 5-Day Sampler PDF as a gift when you sign up for Abounding Faith’s email list. Get updates on Abounding Faith’s books, blog, podcast, life coaching and more by clicking here or the image below.



I’m so excited and honored to finally get to share this major writing breakthrough and milestone news with you!

Rejoice with me 🎉

Check out this super short video announcement:

As a teen, I dreamed of writing for magazines. As a young adult with a master’s degree in journalism from NYU, I wrote for various publications, including The New York Times and reached my dream of working at a women’s magazine!!!!

Back then, I NEVER thought I’d ever write books.

That was just too farfetched.

And I had NO IDEA what I’d even write about if given the opportunity…

Writing books was NOT on my radar … my writing went into hiding for years …


After years of waiting and praying and preparing and praising, the Lord has allowed me to write and publish FIVE Christian living books and devotionals that are near and dear to my heart (available on Amazon).

He’s also allowed me to contribute to a devotional book by Our Daily Bread‘s VOICES Collection and now….

I’m working on my first traditionally published book.

All Glory to God 🙌

Things like this don’t usually happen to “Little Latina Girls” like me. I’m the daughter of two LOVING AND HARD WORKING parents who immigrated to the U.S. from their respective countries and who struggled and succeeded in making their American dreams come true …

I’m looking forward to sharing more about my upcoming book.

I’ll be sharing updates with my email community, so please make sure to sign up right here.

I’m sooo grateful to everyone who has cheered me on and prayed for me and have supported me ALL THESE LONG YEARS!!!!

Can you believe this Martin Luther King Jr weekend marks my 10th Blogversary and this year also marks the 10th year for Abounding Faith’s YouTube channel? You can read more of my thoughts in this week’s bonus blog post.

I’m grateful to mi familia for all their love and support!

And may God continue blessing you!

I covet your prayers as I experience this BREAKTHROUGH and step into this season of my writing career.

And please pray for ALL the readers near and far who will be blessed and touched by reading this upcoming book.

Friends, please start saving money now so you can buy multiple copies of this book and bless many of your family, friends, and community or church groups with this empowering book. I appreciate your help in getting this forthcoming book into the hands of many near and far!

I plan to share exclusive updates and behind-the-scenes moments via email so don’t forget to sign up for my free email list to stay updated on this part of my writing and faith journey.


“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:9-11 NIV)


Did this post encourage you? Get access to the FREE Feisty Faith: Trusting God Day by Day 5-Day Sampler PDF as a gift when you sign up for Abounding Faith’s email list. Get updates on Abounding Faith’s books, blog, podcast, life coaching and more by clicking here or the image below.

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.comThe “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

Happy 10th Blogversary!

How has it been TEN YEARS since I started blogging here at Miraculous Lovely?

I still remember what a struggle it was for nontechie me to design and create this blog.

There was nothing glamourous going on behind the scenes as I fussed and fretted and got frustrated trying to figure out how to create this blog.

It wasn’t a good season in my life, but I had felt the Lord calling me to WRITE.

I wasn’t even sure what private and introverted me would write about?

But I needed a home for some of the devotional pieces I was sharing with trusted friends.

And I knew I didn’t want to rant and rave about life.

I knew was to celebrate God’s Miraculous and Lovely love for us.

And so I launched my blog on Martin Luther King Jr Day, January 20, 2013.

This blog was part of God’s dream for me.

I’ve taken it one blog post at a time, one week (sometimes 2 or 3 bonus blogs) at a time, one month at a time and most importantly one YEAR at a time.

I never set a limit for how long I would blog.

I’ve just kept writing and God has been faithful to give me words to share.

One thing is for sure.


It was a little intimidating at first to share my thoughts, musings and reflections with the world but God’s given me His peace over the years.

The little girl in me who used to create mini-magazines out of loose leaf paper and the reporter in me who wrote for a major newspaper and a national women’s magazine has enjoyed the freedom to share my thoughts without an editor and to get to choose the headlines and photos to go with each and every post.

I was sharing my thoughts here even before most others wanted to hear from me.

But God!

God has allowed me to faithfully post weekly, with just a few exceptions along the way to give myself a break and rest, for ten years! Glory!

I felt God leading me to WRITE about Him and faith, hope and love and so much more and I’ve tried to stay true to that mission.

Who knew that during these 10 years I’d:

  1. Go on two more short-term missions trips (out of five)
  2. Launch my website
  3. Write FIVE Christian living books and devotionals (available on Amazon)
  4. Write for Our Daily Bread‘s VOICES Collection and Discovery Series website and for Charisma‘s website
  5. Host 10 events
  6. Speak to countless groups including Christians working at the United Nations and give my brief testimony at Times Square Church
  7. Teach five different online classes based on my books for the New York School of the Bible
  8. Host the Abounding Faith for Today podcast
  9. Shoot more than 155 videos here and abroad for Abounding Faith’s YouTube channel
  10. And that I’d have such exciting news about Book 6!

If you would’ve told me I’d be doing any of this back when I was a graduate student in journalism at NYU or a working journalist, I would’ve laughed at you and run away!

None of this has been my plan or idea.

But God knows what’s on the other side of our Yes!

Once God started to call me to write and speak for His glory, I had inklings that God would be enlarging my territory and increasing my influence and platform.

Those of you who know me and have been helping to pray me through all these YEARS know it hasn’t been easy.

Nothing has been handed to me.

There hasn’t been a large entourage cheering me on or helping to open doors for me.

I’ve had God and a handful of family and friends praying for me and helping me in different ways.

I’m grateful to get to celebrate this milestone with you.

And I’m grateful to those that have joined this online community throughout the years.

This blog has definitely been a refuge and safe place for me to share thoughts, especially about my Dear Dad’s promotion to heaven almost two years ago.

It’s also been a lovely place to share updates on different projects I’m working on or thoughts I’ve been pondering.

I hope my posts have encouraged, inspired, empowered or uplifted you. (If so, I’d love to know!)

If you know me, you’ve probably heard me say that I want to walk through the doors God opens for me.

God has given me many Kingdom assignments in this season.

I’m a Christian Latina Author, Speaker, Podcaster, Blogger, Bible School Instructor, Communicator, Coach/Consultant, Creative and Entrepreneur.

Christian Latina Authors & Speakers are still rather rare when it comes to Christian spaces in English.

God isn’t fazed by my background.

He knows exactly what He wants to do in me and through me.

I may not know what’s next, but God does!

I appreciate your prayers and support and encouragement!

I know blogging may not be popular anymore, but I plan to continue blogging and updating you as the Lord leads.

I plan to continue encouraging and inspiring you as you walk by faith, hope and love and dare to live your God-given dreams.

If you don’t want to miss my updates and posts, please stay tuned and be sure you’re part of my email community right here.

Thanks for staying on this faith journey with me! To God be the Glory!

Here are four Bible verses that come to mind when I think of these last 10 years:

  • “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” (Psalm 34:8 NIV)
  • “’Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty. “(Zechariah 4:6b NIV)
  • “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. (Luke 16:10 NIV)
  • “Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, ‘Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.’ And God granted his request.” (1 Chronicles 4:10 NIV)


Did this post encourage you? Get access to the FREE Feisty Faith: Trusting God Day by Day 5-Day Sampler PDF as a gift when you sign up for Abounding Faith’s email list. Get updates on Abounding Faith’s books, blog, podcast, life coaching and more by clicking here or the image below.

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.comThe “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

Reset – Motivational Monday with Coach Nancy, Abounding Faith Coaching & Consulting

Don’t you love how a new year is filled with so much promise and how a new year gives us a wonderful chance to restart, renew, refresh and RESET?

What are your hopes and dreams for this year?

What will you do differently this year?

What’s something new you’ll start this year?

Is this the year you hire a Christian Life Coach or read more books or take more classes?

If you’re looking to use your spiritual gifts to make a difference and to have a Kingdom impact, my signature “6 C’s of Transformation” life coaching framework will help guide and inspire you and help to keep you accountable.

If you’re looking to SOAR and level up this year, contact me about Christian Life Coaching.

As your Life Coach, I’d be honored to help you gain the clarity, confidence and courage to say yes to God’s call on your life.

I can prayerfully help you:

  • Discover your God-given gifts and purpose
  • Develop a personalized action plan so you can use your unique giftings and skills to impact and inspire others
  • Dare to live your God-given dreams and purpose and experience that breakthrough you’ve been longing for

I’d be delighted to help you go from:

  • frazzled to focused
  • frustrated to fruitful
  • fearful to fierce

Let’s SOAR together in 2023!

Be fierce. Be faithful. Be fruitful. Be who God is calling you to be!


Did this post encourage you? Get access to the FREE Feisty Faith: Trusting God Day by Day 5-Day Sampler PDF as a gift when you sign up for Abounding Faith’s email list. Get updates on Abounding Faith’s books, blog, podcast, life coaching and more by clicking here or the image below.