How to Wait on God Well – Announcing My New Ebook!

You'reGoing toMake it! (1)

I’m delighted to announce the release of my first ebook Waiting on God Well: How to Prevent Breaking Down on Your Way to Your Breakthrough!

So many times I’ve written here about waiting on God’s timing. Now I’m sharing how to wait. We all go through dry seasons in our lives. Times where we feel like we’ve been forgotten in the back side of the desert.

What are you waiting on God for?  To move, get married, be healed, become a parent or to have a wayward child come home?

I pray this ebook will encourage you to not quit in the middle of your journey! It’s always too early to give up on the dreams God has given you.

As 2014 winds down, I must say this has been a year of joy! It started with Moving Forward and launching my website and included a short-term missions trip to Peru and winning Our Daily Bread’s Facebook Contest for Readers. Now it’s ending with my ebook. Glory!

Thank you for taking this journey with me! Here’s a little peek at what things looked like earlier this year as I was getting my manuscript ready:

I wasn’t sure if I could get everything finished by the end of the year, but the Lord opened the door and I walked through it.

I’m already praying about what’s next. I’m excited about what’s to come.

I pray you will end the year strong knowing that God loves you and is with you! Let’s see what the Lord has in store in 2015!

If you read my ebook and like it, please leave a review and rating on the site you buy it from. Blessings to you and as always, thanks for reading!

“Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her” (Luke 1:45)

Did this encourage you? Please hit “like” and don’t forget to sign up below to have my weekly encouraging blog posts e-mailed straight to you for free. When you subscribe below, you’ll also receive the free “12 Journal Writing Prompts” PDF I created to help inspire you as you write/journal.

button (24)For more encouragement, read my new ebook Waiting on God Well: How to Prevent Breaking Down on Your Way to Your Breakthrough! To learn how I can come alongside of you as your Life Coach or to invite me to speak at your event, visit my website You can also find me on YouTube and Pinterest.

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

If You Could Chat with One Person from the Bible…


I thought I’d take a stab at answering one of the questions from the “12 Journal Writing Prompts” that I made especially for those of you who have signed up to have my blog posts e-mailed to you weekly. I’d love to hear your answer in the comments below or on Facebook.

If I Could Chat with One Person from the Bible (other than Jesus) it would be.


He’s been on my mind lately since I’ve been studying part of his story. I’d love to know how he had the faith to Believe God and leave everything behind and go to an unknown place.

What did he do during all those years of waiting and wondering?

What did he really think every time the Lord promised him that he would be the father of many nations? It must have seemed so far-fetched to him. So much so that he went along with the plan that Sarah hatched to help speed along their long-awaited heir.

And yet deep down, he still believed and he still waited. Now that is faith!

I’m sure he’d have fascinating stories to tell. What an interview it would be to speak with the Father of the Faithful!

Abraham’s story reminds us:

  • God is Faithful.
  • God Keeps His Word.
  • We can trust God no matter what.
  • Faith requires action even when we don’t have all the details.

What a beautiful legacy Abraham has left us. (Not familiar with his story? You can read about him in Genesis 12-25).

Now it’s your turn. Who would you like to chat with? Feel free to leave a comment or to join the conversation on Facebook.

Did this encourage you? Please hit “like” and don’t forget to sign up below to have my weekly encouraging blog posts e-mailed straight to you for free. When you subscribe below, you’ll also receive the free “12 Journal Writing Prompts” PDF I created to help inspire you as you write/journal.

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For more encouragement and to learn how I can come alongside of you as your Life Coach or to invite me to speak at your event, visit my website You can also find me on YouTube and Pinterest.

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. 

Living Beyond the Fog

Kayak 2014
One of my favorite pics from Summer 2014

A special welcome to those of you who are joining me after reading my post on Our Daily Bread’s Facebook page on Friday, September 26th. It was truly an honor to be featured there. I pray you will feel at home here and that you will be encouraged. Blessings!

I had such a lovely time vacationing with my family at a lake in Upstate New York this past August. It was such a time of refreshing especially for me as I love being by the water, and I had just come back from my short-term missions trip to Peru.

I made sure to go kayaking several times while I was there. The more often I went, the braver I got and the further out I ventured.

On one particular day, I kept feeling led to keep Moving Forward. All I saw ahead of me was the open sky pictured above, the peaceful water, and the outline of Vermont’s skyline in the distance. I could have stayed out there for hours.

As I kept paddling, I felt the Lord showing me that this is what’s ahead for me. Just a wide open place that He has prepared. The recent storms I have been going through are over, Praise God! The fog has lifted, Amen! Now I can walk in some of the promises I have been waiting on God for. Glory!

I don’t share this to brag, but to encourage you. Whatever storm you may be in right now please know that things get better and brighter. It may not happen overnight. Your situation may not change in an instant. But do trust that God is working in you and through you during your tests and trials, and that He has a beautiful plan for your life!

Keep paddling forward even if the water feels choppy at times. Keep following God even if you can’t see a clear picture of what’s ahead. He will lead you to still waters and safe pastures! He knows the way. In fact, Jesus is the way so let’s keep our eyes fixed on Jesus!

“He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.” (Psalm 18:19)

Did this encourage you? Please hit “like” and be sure to sign up below to have my weekly encouraging blog posts e-mailed straight to you for free. When you subscribe below, you’ll also receive the free “12 Journal Writing Prompts” PDF I created to help inspire you as you write/journal.

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For more encouragement and to learn how I can come alongside of you as your Life Coach or to invite me to speak at your event, visit my website You can also find me on YouTube and Pinterest.

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Receive It!

Lessons from the Sunrise


During my recent vacation to the Caribbean, I was excited about catching a glimpse of a sunrise over the ocean. I’m so not a morning person, but I didn’t want to miss out on the spectacular sight.

The only problem was that on the particular morning that I peeled myself out of bed in time, it was really rainy and overcast. What a major bummer! I had gotten up extra early for seemingly nothing.

The day did clear up, and I eventually forgot about the disappointment of not seeing the sunrise. That evening I enjoyed watching a gorgeous sunset like the one pictured above instead. Truly amazing!

The following morning included a mad dash to get to breakfast before visiting our first island. Trying to catch the sunrise was NOT on my schedule, but I was happily surprised.

While we were eating at a table near a window, the beautiful, bright sun came rising up in all its splendor to greet us. It was so breathtaking! And because I wasn’t “striving” to see it, it felt even more like a gift from my Heavenly Father.

So what was the difference?

The first morning it was all about my agenda and having the sunrise fit into my “to-do list”. The following day, it was an unexpected blessing. It was a very welcome interruption to my plans.

Here are just a few thoughts I’d like to share from this experience:

Things are Better When we Sit Back, Relax, and Let God be GOD! – I admit I’m more of a doer. I like to set goals and achieve them. I like to co-labor with God to get things done. Those are good characteristics, but God has been showing me that sometimes it’s better to Be Still and let Him work. Is it easy? NO! Is it possible with God’s help? Absolutely!

Leave Room for God to Surprise You! – There’s no use trying to figure out everything or trying to keep God in a box. He’s too Glorious for that! What He has for you is better than you can even imagine! Just typing that made me smile! What about you? Will you try to stop controlling every detail and let God Almighty have His way in your life? Will you receive the gifts He has especially for you?

Slowing Down can Actually be a Good Thing. – Is God working out the fruit of patience in you as well, my Friend? If so, no worries. God knows what He’s doing and He’s never late. Sometimes when we get caught up in a flurry of activities and feverishly try to check off items from our never-ending list of tasks, we miss out on some of the best parts of our days.

It’s great to have goals and plans. Yes, act when God tells you to act. But hold steady when God says so. While you wait, don’t forget to enjoy something as Miraculous and Lovely as a sunrise or sunset!

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”  (James 1:17)

Did this encourage you?  Feel free to leave a comment or hit “Like” below. To get my free e-booklet MiraculousLovely Abroad: Lessons and Snapshots From the Mission Fields and to get these posts e-mailed straight to your inbox, click here. To find MiraculousLovely on YouTube, click here.

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


It’s All About the PROCESS

Lessons from Assembling the Cubbies

cubbie beginning

I finally got around to buying this organizer the other day, and I felt daring enough to tackle assembling it all on my own. I figured it would be a fun project to work on without breaking too much of a sweat.

I’m not a builder by any stretch of the imagination. So, I put on a relaxing Gospel CD and took inventory of all the moving parts. Yes, as you can imagine I found tons of spiritual applications along the way that helped to show me what our faith journey is like. I thought I’d share them with you below.

Know Your Goal – Here the goal was to take all the pieces and put them together like the picture on the outside of the box. In life, you also need to have goals and dreams in front of you. Our ultimate goal should be to be more like Christ.

Have the Right Tools – In this case, I used the different pieces provided and I made sure I had a hammer and screwdriver handy. In our walk with Christ, our tools include prayer, reading the Bible, and being plugged into a church.

Read the Manual! – Had I ignored the instructions, I would not have known where to start or how the pieces fit together. The same is true with reading the Bible. We need to read it so we know how to grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord.


cubbie middle
Don’t Give Up Half Way! – I did hit a road block on the first day, which I’ll mention below, but I was determined to keep going! What would have happened if I just left the organizer like it looked above? I couldn’t use it for its intended purpose. So many times in our walk, we may be tempted to quit when it seems too hard or we get distracted by other interests. But as I recently heard a Pastor say, “It’s always too early to give up.”

It’s OK to Ask for Help if You Need it. – I accidentally put some pieces where they didn’t belong, so I couldn’t get them out. Since it was already late in the evening, I decided to stop the construction for the moment. I figured I could find the pliers the following day. My uncle happened to be visiting that day so he helped me take out the misplaced pieces. So in this case, I needed to find an extra tool and I needed a family member to help me. When we encounter an obstacle in our spiritual walk, it’s ok to ask a trusted friend in the Lord to help even if it’s just to lift us up in prayer. Of course, we can always turn to Jesus directly to ask Him to forgive us if we’ve sinned or to give us the strength to move past the problem or situation.

It Takes Time to Build Something! – In this case, the shelves didn’t instantly appear. The pieces had to be stacked piece by piece and row by row. There was an order to it. The same is true in our Christian walk. We can’t be jumping around and skipping steps. Each part of the process is important. Eventually, the finished work will be ready!

So how did my shelves turn out?

cubbie final

Not bad, eh?  I still need to put some finishing touches on it, but soon my books and other items will have a new home.

So wherever you are in your journey, remember to try not to despise the process. It can seem long, or hard, or tedious or boring or painful, but God is the Master Builder and He knows what He’s doing!

“…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”       (Philippians 1:6)

Did this encourage you? If so, please feel free to leave a comment or hit “Like” below.

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Sign Language

Lessons from traffic signs

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I was walking past a very busy intersection the other day when I came across this traffic light with all the signs pictured above.

Believe it or not, each sign can be applied to our spiritual life. I’ll start from bottom to top:

No U-turns – Whenever you see this sign, you know that no matter how badly you’d like to change directions and retreat back the way you came from that is just not an option at this intersection. When you see this sign, you have no choice but to move ahead and to keep going forward. The same can be true about your spiritual life. There will be times when you are tempted to cower in fear or to give into confusion, doubt or despair. When you come to those times in your spiritual journey, PRAY and ask God to give you the boldness and courage to keep forging ahead no matter what!  “But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.” (Hebrews 10:39)

Wait for the green light – When you’re in a hurry, you may be tempted to speed through the intersection, but the sign in the middle says to wait!  It even gives you a time frame. It doesn’t say to wait forever. It says to wait for the light to turn green. In times of waiting on God, remain alert, yet patient. Just as you hopefully wouldn’t dare run through a red light if you were driving, you should hold steady and wait for God’s direction before you proceed! “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14)

The green light – Yes, the time will come when the light turns green and you get the “all clear” sign to move ahead. Just like you wouldn’t remain in neutral or in park at a green light, don’t stall when you hear God telling you to Go Forth! Even if that means taking one baby step closer to God and closer to your purpose, ask God to give you the peace to take that step knowing that He is with you. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28: 19)

In your walk with the Lord, you are either moving towards Him or away from Him. My prayer is that you will have the courage to not back down, the patience to wait for God’s timing and the boldness to step out when God calls you.

If this encouraged you, feel free to leave a comment!

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


Worship While You Wait

jDevaun / Music Photos / CC BY-ND


During my recent trip to visit my sister and her family, I agreed to download a free game app on my phone for my then 7-year-old nephew. He was super excited that he was going to get to play the new game.

However, my phone was really slow so it was taking a long time for the game to download.

Thankfully, instead of getting impatient or complaining about the delay my nephew simply said, “Let’s sing a song while we wait.”

I was so impressed by his great attitude. I was also a bit convicted.

How many times have I had to wait on God for something and have not kept the right attitude?  Sometimes the last thing I think about doing is singing!

Anyone else find it easier to complain, lament, doubt, get angry, frustrated, impatient, worry or become fearful, etc…Go ahead, be honest.

And yet lately, God has been impressing on my spirit that He wants me to rejoice even while waiting. In fact, in a sermon I heard recently the Pastor encouraged the congregation to “Praise Him through the process!”

Right! Why didn’t I think of that! There is so much power when you praise God despite what your circumstances look like! By faith, you can thank Him even before you see the victory.

There are so many instances in the Bible where the praise came before the win. I’m reminded of King Jehoshaphat. He had a vast army advancing towards him. After He fasted and sought the Lord, God assured Jehoshaphat that He would fight for him and His people.

“You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.’” (2 Chronicles 20:17).

How did Jehoshaphat respond?  He and the people bowed down and worshiped God and the next morning, “After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying:

“Give thanks to the Lord,
for his love endures forever.” (2 Chronicles 20:21)

Notice, the worshipers went out ahead of the soldiers! As they began to praise and sing to the Lord, God sent ambushes against their enemies. (2 Chronicles 20:22)

I’m also reminded of Paul and Silas who were stripped, beaten with rods, flogged and shackled in prison. They had every reason to have a supreme venting session, pity party or to be downright depressed. What were they doing while they were waiting?

“About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.” (Acts 16:25-26)

There’s no telling what God will do as a result of hearing you praise Him!

So next time you find yourself waiting, I hope you will remember to sing songs unto the Lord, keep reading the Word and count your blessings, etc.. If you’re having trouble, ask God to help you be patient and grateful.

Keep your heart right and before you know it, you will be enjoying the fruit of your patience!

Let the rejoicing begin!

If this encouraged you, feel free to leave a comment below.

Not so Fast

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I recently noticed this picture by one of the fire exits at my job, and it made me chuckle. Ever feel like dropping whatever you’re doing and just running for the nearest exit and not looking back?

Ever just want to hop on the next train, plane, taxi (enter your ideal escape vehicle here _________) and just go anywhere but where you currently find yourself?

I think we’ve all been there at some time(s) in our lives. While it’s tempting to want to run away when life’s problems and circumstances are weighing you down, many times it’s wiser to stay awhile and to get your bearings before you make any sudden moves.

There is something to be said about not rushing out of situations (unless they are life-threatening) and just remaining where you are for just a bit longer.

“Be still and know that I am God,” is what we’re told in Psalm 46:10.

Yes, sometimes God wants us to rest and be still for awhile. As our Good Shepherd, “He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul.” (Psalm 23:22-3)

Some of us are so good at running away that the thought of slowing down can seem so foreign and even dreadful.

But it’s only when we slow down and get quiet before the Lord that we can hear Him more clearly.

When was the last time that you spent time being silent before the Lord?  Could you hear God speaking to you in the midst of the chaos you were in? What did you hear Him say?

I’m reminded of Elijah and how he literally ran for his life, got exhausted and depressed, and how God in His mercy met him right in the middle of that trial. How did God present Himself to Elijah? It wasn’t through the rushing wind, the rumbling earthquake or raging fire. It was in a gentle whisper. (I Kings 19:1-13)

If Elijah hadn’t slowed down, he could have easily missed his divine appointment with God!

Let’s try not to be in such a hurry.

If everything in you is itching to run, could I encourage you to take a moment and wait upon the Lord? His timing is perfect, so try not to go rushing ahead of Him. Enjoy the quiet time with the Lord as you would if you were spending quality time with your friend or loved one. See if that doesn’t give you a healthier perspective about your situation and give you that peace that only Jesus, the Prince of Peace, can give you. (Isaiah 9:6)

That time of refreshing will strengthen you for the next leg of your journey.  I guess that’s why we’re called to “walk” with the Lord instead of to “run” with Him!

Did this help you take your running shoes off for the moment? Feel free to leave a comment below.


Help is on the Way

ATM screen


I once heard a sermon where the pastor mentioned that we pray one thing and God does 10,000 things in order to bring to pass the answer to our request. The photo above helps to remind me that God does hear my prayers and that His answer is on the way.

Just because I don’t see an instant response to my prayer request doesn’t mean that God is asleep, has forgotten me or is ignoring me.  It just means that some prayers take a longer time to get answered. God’s answer could be yes, no or wait.

During that waiting period, God is growing us, maturing us and testing us. He’s also bringing people and circumstances into alignment.

The Bible says,“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; He who seeks finds; and to Him who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7)

We obviously need to be praying according to God’s will for our lives and should repent of any unconfessed sins. As Christians, we can then leave the rest to God.

The Bible doesn’t say how long it takes for the answers to come. It does say we are to be persistent in our prayers and we should pray with faith.

God is not a genie so He doesn’t just automatically give us everything we want exactly when we want it. However, He does like to give His kids good gifts so get ready!

If you’re waiting on some of God’s promises to be fulfilled in your life, I’d like to encourage you by reminding you that God is working behind-the-scenes.  At the appointed time, you’ll receive your answer! When you do, make sure to come back and share about it here!



No Peeking

Lessons from Baking

MissionControl / / CC BY-NC-SA


I finally started exploring the world of baking. To my amazement, I actually like it!  I thought it would be stressful because I’m the type that doesn’t like following recipes or waiting for water to boil, but it’s actually rather relaxing.

I’ve always been intimidated by the oven so before I baked my first set of brownies ever, I had fun watching videos online to see how the pros do it. I also read an article about oven settings.  Both times I read the tips, these lines jumped out at me:

“While your food is baking, try not to open the door too often to check for done-ness.  Every time you open the oven door to see if your food is cooked, your oven temperature will drop and extend the cooking time.”

I was happy that the disclaimer was there and even happier to think there must be other impatient, novice chefs out there like me. But there was something about those simple instructions that got me thinking about my prayer life and times that I have gotten impatient while waiting on God.

At times in my life, I have been like an anxious baker opening the oven door to check if my “treats” were ready. In my eagerness to find out the status of my treats, I didn’t realize that I could actually be interrupting the work that God was doing and delaying the process even more!

What about you?  Have you ever prayed for a situation, said that you’ve left it in God’s hands and then done something that was the equivalent of opening the oven door to peek if the “goodies” were ready?  Were you then discouraged to find out that you had to wait even longer?

If your answer is yes, then I invite you to join me in heeding the advice to keep the oven door closed until God says it’s time to open it and enjoy dessert!

God works in seasons. He isn’t in a rush. As His Word declares, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11)