Moving Forward!

Announcing the launch of my website

Abounding Faith header NEW for MC

There is a time to dream and there is a time to DO! I’m excited to announce the launch of my new website, and that I will be available to speak at churches and events. I’m also ready to life coach.

For the past few years I have felt the Lord drawing me to speak and write for His Glory, but I didn’t know how to put the puzzle pieces together. God, in His great mercy, showed me step by step. He continues leading me in this Great Adventure that He has for me!

Now I hear Him saying it’s time to Move Forward!

This process has been long and hard but after much prayer, and waiting on God, and after testing the waters, and getting wise counsel, I am at peace about taking this next step. And I invite you to continue this journey with me!

No worries, I plan to keep blogging here every Monday. From time to time, I’ll give you updates about how things are going with the site.

My goal is still to encourage you in your walk with the Lord and to celebrate God’s extravagant love for us! I will be doing that here and at Abounding Faith.

I firmly believe that if the Lord is not in something, it’s not worth doing. When the Lord is truly in something, it would be foolish not to go for it! We’re to stick close to Him at all times though.

As Jesus says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

This is unchartered territory for me, but the pioneer in me is looking forward to seeing where the Lord leads. The exhorter/evangelist in me is excited about all the new people I’ll get to minister to.

Stepping out in this new adventure is pretty much like deciding to trust God to board a plane to AFRICA or the Amazon.

It can be a little nerve-wracking but I’m a Daddy’s Girl, and I have a history with my Heavenly Father. Over the years, He has asked me to take leaps of faith, and He’s always been there to catch me!

I’m reminded of Peter when he saw Jesus walking on the water. He wasn’t content to stay in the boat with the others. He wanted to be right where Jesus was and in the middle of all the action! But he wasn’t about to exit the boat unless Jesus invited him.

“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

 “Come,” he said. (Matthew 14:28-29)

I wonder if Peter even understood the magnitude of his request. And yet Jesus graciously obliged. The ball was now in Peter’s court.

Jesus called. Peter answered. As a result, Peter got to walk on water! In that moment, he let his faith in God overtake any fear he must have felt.

That’s how it is in our lives. Jesus says, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23)

Jesus calls us to follow Him wherever He leads. It’s our choice to trust Him and move.

Oh the rewards that come from obeying God’s call and following after Jesus! Is it easy or popular? No. But Jesus never promised it would be easy. He did say that He would be with us and that we have the victory in Him.

“…In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

What is God calling you to do? However big or small it may seem to you, I pray you will have the courage to run, walk, or take baby steps towards what God has placed in your heart and that you will enter into all that God has in store for you!

I hope you will visit me at and will be blessed by the encouraging videos and inspiring photos and free downloads on the site. Please tell your friends and family about the site, too!

Let’s see what the Lord is doing! He’s always at work! Thankfully He never slumbers nor sleeps.

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THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

It’s All About the PROCESS

Lessons from Assembling the Cubbies

cubbie beginning

I finally got around to buying this organizer the other day, and I felt daring enough to tackle assembling it all on my own. I figured it would be a fun project to work on without breaking too much of a sweat.

I’m not a builder by any stretch of the imagination. So, I put on a relaxing Gospel CD and took inventory of all the moving parts. Yes, as you can imagine I found tons of spiritual applications along the way that helped to show me what our faith journey is like. I thought I’d share them with you below.

Know Your Goal – Here the goal was to take all the pieces and put them together like the picture on the outside of the box. In life, you also need to have goals and dreams in front of you. Our ultimate goal should be to be more like Christ.

Have the Right Tools – In this case, I used the different pieces provided and I made sure I had a hammer and screwdriver handy. In our walk with Christ, our tools include prayer, reading the Bible, and being plugged into a church.

Read the Manual! – Had I ignored the instructions, I would not have known where to start or how the pieces fit together. The same is true with reading the Bible. We need to read it so we know how to grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord.


cubbie middle
Don’t Give Up Half Way! – I did hit a road block on the first day, which I’ll mention below, but I was determined to keep going! What would have happened if I just left the organizer like it looked above? I couldn’t use it for its intended purpose. So many times in our walk, we may be tempted to quit when it seems too hard or we get distracted by other interests. But as I recently heard a Pastor say, “It’s always too early to give up.”

It’s OK to Ask for Help if You Need it. – I accidentally put some pieces where they didn’t belong, so I couldn’t get them out. Since it was already late in the evening, I decided to stop the construction for the moment. I figured I could find the pliers the following day. My uncle happened to be visiting that day so he helped me take out the misplaced pieces. So in this case, I needed to find an extra tool and I needed a family member to help me. When we encounter an obstacle in our spiritual walk, it’s ok to ask a trusted friend in the Lord to help even if it’s just to lift us up in prayer. Of course, we can always turn to Jesus directly to ask Him to forgive us if we’ve sinned or to give us the strength to move past the problem or situation.

It Takes Time to Build Something! – In this case, the shelves didn’t instantly appear. The pieces had to be stacked piece by piece and row by row. There was an order to it. The same is true in our Christian walk. We can’t be jumping around and skipping steps. Each part of the process is important. Eventually, the finished work will be ready!

So how did my shelves turn out?

cubbie final

Not bad, eh?  I still need to put some finishing touches on it, but soon my books and other items will have a new home.

So wherever you are in your journey, remember to try not to despise the process. It can seem long, or hard, or tedious or boring or painful, but God is the Master Builder and He knows what He’s doing!

“…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”       (Philippians 1:6)

Did this encourage you? If so, please feel free to leave a comment or hit “Like” below.

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.