3 Keys to Fuel Your Faith During the Pandemic – Get Your Free PDF Copy

If the pandemic has you paralyzed with panic, fear or worry or if you just need an extra dose of encouragement, this free “3 Keys to Fuel Your Faith” (PDF), is for you. It was designed to help your faith in God arise.

May the tips and Scripture help you choose faith over fear and spur you on during this trying time. You can grab it here,

Please feel free to share this link with others who could use an extra encouragement.

For another boost of faith, I’d like to share the image below:

Stay well. Stay encouraged. Choose faith over fear.  God loves you!

New Fuel Your Faith Content to Spur You On During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Announcing Abounding Faith’s new Fuel Your Faith page where you can find special encouragement to help spur you on during the pandemic.

The videos, articles, images and podcast links you’ll find on the Fuel Your Faith page are designed to help boost your faith during this trying time.

Please feel free to share this link with others who could use an extra dose of encouragement.

I pray you will choose faith over fear. God is in control and loves you!

I hope you’re encouraged by the video below and the rest of this special video series. Blessings!


Want to know what’s happening at Abounding Faith? Join the mailing list and get updates about Abounding Faith’s books, events, podcast and more. As a thank you, you’ll get access to the free “7 Journal Writing Prompts to Fuel Your Faith” PDF.

5 Divine Declarations to Help You Fight Your Coronavirus Fears – My Latest Article for Charisma


I’m delighted to share this link to my latest article on Charisma‘s website. I pray your faith is fueled by “5 Divine Declarations to Help You Fight Your Coronavirus Fears.”

God is still on the throne and in control!

Abounding Faith is here to help spur you on as you walk by abounding faith, hope and love and live your God-given dreams. For more encouragement and inspiration, visit AboundingFaith.com for links to inspiring books, podcast episodes, videos and more.

Stay well. Stay encouraged. Blessings!


Want to know what’s happening at Abounding Faith? Join the mailing list and get updates about Abounding Faith’s books, events, podcast and more. As a thank you, you’ll get access to the free “7 Journal Writing Prompts to Fuel Your Faith” PDF.

Encouragement as You Wait on God – Season 4 of the “Abounding Faith for Today” Podcast

In honor of the 5th Anniversary of my first book Waiting on God Well, I’m sharing thoughts and prayers to encourage you as you wait on God to fulfill His promises to you.

You can check out this new episode and catch up on Seasons 1 – 4 of the uplifting and inspiring “Abounding Faith for Today” podcast on:

Apple Podcasts: apple.co/2FoPkZM
Google Podcasts: bit.ly/2A5g2AL
Spotify: spoti.fi/2Kmpjt7
Stitcher: bit.ly/2Tqz6lN
PodBean: https://bit.ly/2BQXNAI

You can also listen to this short and encouraging episode by clicking the link below.

If you’re being encouraged by the “Abounding Faith for Today” podcast, please tell your friends, subscribe to the podcast and leave a kind rating on your preferred platform.

If you have a comment you’d like to share or a question you’d like me to consider answering on a future episode, please post it on Abounding Faith’s Facebook page.

Blessings as you walk by abounding faith, hope and love and live your God-given dreams!


Want to know what’s happening at Abounding Faith? Join the mailing list and get updates about Abounding Faith’s books, events, podcast and more.

Happy 5 Anniversary to Waiting on God Well Book

It’s the 5th Anniversary of my very first book Waiting on God Well 🎉

I’m grateful to all my wonderful Readers! I love hearing how this book has blessed ministry leaders and men and women waiting for breakthrough in their personal and professional lives. Waiting on God Well has encouraged those waiting to find a new job, waiting to meet their spouse, waiting for healing and waiting to launch their ministry, etc.

It’s an honor and privilege to get to inspire my Readers.

Thanks for helping me celebrate this milestone!

Waiting on God Well gave me time to address a deep prayer request of my heart I had sort of ‘buried.” I took your book on a plane trip, underlined and prayed my way thru, even journaling some. Thank you for your encouragement!” – Reader

God is Good!

Who knew that now I’d be working on Book 5 … God knew! And He knows what else He has in store … thanks for staying on this faith adventure with me.

If you haven’t read this uplifting book, here is an excerpt from the Foreword of Waiting on God Well:

“Waiting is not passive. It’s not for the weak but for the strong. It takes strength and courage to wait for God to give you the green light. It’s not about having a blasé attitude.

Instead, it’s about expecting God to come through in His perfect timing and open doors that no man can shut. It’s taking God at His Word and believing that He will do exactly what He promised to do!

My prayer is that you won’t despise the process you are going through, but that you will look for Jesus, even in the tight places, because He is right there with you. He is leading, guiding, and loving you. He has not forsaken you! He will bring you through.”

I’m sharing more excerpts and insights from Waiting on God Well in Season 4 of the “Abounding Faith for Today” podcast. You can check out the short and inspiring episodes on:

Apple Podcasts: apple.co/2FoPkZM
Google Podcasts: bit.ly/2A5g2AL
Spotify: spoti.fi/2Kmpjt7
Stitcher: bit.ly/2Tqz6lN
PodBean: https://bit.ly/2BQXNAI

Blessings as you wait on God to fulfill His promises to you!

Waiting on God Well: How to Prevent Breaking Down on Your Way to Your Breakthrough is available in print and Kindle on Amazon.


Want to know what’s happening at Abounding Faith? Join the mailing list and get updates about Abounding Faith’s books, events, podcast and more.

Got Questions?

“You are encouraging me to continue believing God though life can be difficult at times, but God will not leave us or forsake us. I’m thankful for His Word and sisters like you who press on and continue to build up others in their faith and lead people to Christ. I intend to press on and be led by Him as well.”   – “Abounding Faith for Today” Podcast Listener

I’m so touched by this note (above) from a podcast listener. It’s encouraging feedback like this that helps me to keep going in all that God has called me do do in this season.

I’m thrilled to share that I’ve finished producing Season 4 of the “Abounding Faith for Today” podcast. God is Good. 

Looking ahead, I’d like to answer a few questions from listeners like you.

What questions would you like me to consider answering in an upcoming episode of the “Abounding Faith for Today” podcast?

Please feel free to post your question on Abounding Faith’s Facebook page.  Your question could be featured on an upcoming episode.

If you haven’t already checked out the “Abounding Faith for Today” podcast, you can catch up on the short and uplifting episodes from Seasons 1 – 3 on :

Apple Podcasts: apple.co/2FoPkZM
Google Podcasts: bit.ly/2A5g2AL
Spotify: spoti.fi/2Kmpjt7
Stitcher: bit.ly/2Tqz6lN
PodBean: https://bit.ly/2BQXNAI

The “Abounding Faith for Today” podcast is full of inspiring Bible verses, insights and prayers to encourage and empower you as you walk by abounding faith, hope and love and live your God-given dreams.

May your faith arise!


Want to know what’s happening at Abounding Faith? Join the mailing list and get updates about Abounding Faith’s books, events, podcast and more.

Latest “Abounding Faith for Today” Podcast Episode

It’s been a delight to share some of my favorite psalms in this season of the “Abounding Faith for Today” podcast. I’m sharing a few thoughts on Psalm 18 in the fifth and final episode of Season 3 of the podcast.

You can check out this new episode and catch up on Seasons 1 – 3 of the uplifting and inspiring “Abounding Faith for Today” podcast on:

Apple Podcasts: apple.co/2FoPkZM
Google Podcasts: bit.ly/2A5g2AL
Spotify: spoti.fi/2Kmpjt7
Stitcher: bit.ly/2Tqz6lN
PodBean: https://bit.ly/2BQXNAI

You can also listen to this short and encouraging episode by clicking the link below.

If you’re being blessed by the “Abounding Faith for Today” podcast, please tell your friends, subscribe to the podcast and leave a kind rating on your preferred platform.

If you have a comment you’d like to share or a question you’d like me to consider answering on a future episode, please post it on Abounding Faith’s Facebook page.


Want to know what’s happening at Abounding Faith? Join the mailing list and get updates about Abounding Faith’s books, events, podcast and more.


God’s Beloved

During this month when we celebrate love, may you bask in knowing that God loves you with an everlasting love! (Jeremiah 31:3 NIV)

May you be encouraged by the short clip above from last year’s BELOVED Women’s Conference.

Stay tuned for news about this year’s women’s conference.

Blessings as you walk by abounding faith, hope and LOVE! You are loved beyond measure!

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8 NIV)

Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™


Want to know what’s happening at Abounding Faith? Join the mailing list and get updates about Abounding Faith’s books, events, podcast and more.

New “Abounding Faith for Today” Podcast Episode

I’m sharing a few thoughts on Psalm 121 in the new episode of Season 3 of the “Abounding Faith for Today” podcast.

You can check out this new episode and catch up on Seasons 1 – 3 of the uplifting and inspiring “Abounding Faith for Today” podcast on:

Apple Podcasts: apple.co/2FoPkZM
Google Podcasts: bit.ly/2A5g2AL
Spotify: spoti.fi/2Kmpjt7
Stitcher: bit.ly/2Tqz6lN
PodBean: https://bit.ly/2BQXNAI

You can also listen to this short and encouraging episode by clicking the link below.

If you’re being blessed by the “Abounding Faith for Today” podcast, please tell your friends, subscribe to the podcast and leave a kind rating on your preferred platform.

If you have a comment you’d like to share or a question you’d like me to consider answering on a future episode, please post it on Abounding Faith’s Facebook page.


Want to know what’s happening at Abounding Faith? Join the mailing list and get updates about Abounding Faith’s books, events, podcast and more.

Ready to Live Your God-Given Dreams?

Don’t you love how a new year is filled with possibilities? What are you hoping to accomplish this year?

Perhaps you’re an Audacious Dreamer and Doer who feels stuck or fears you’re dreams are too out of reach.

I know how discouraging and overwhelming that can be 🙋🏻‍♀️ But there is hope!

Are you:

  • Looking to discover the unique call God has placed on your life?
  • Struggling because your God-given dreams seem too daunting or too impossible to achieve?
  • Tired of feeling stuck and desire to make positive changes in your life?

If you’re ready to move forward and take the steps needed to enter into that next chapter of your life, I’d be delighted to be you Life Coach.

As your personal Christian Life Coach, I would help you:

  • Discover the unique giftings and calling God has placed on your life.
  • Identify what living out your God-given dreams could actually look like.
  • Uncover roadblocks that may be stopping you from advancing.
  • Map out a plan designed to help you cross over into your Promised Land.
  • I would hold you accountable to your goals and encourage and pray for you along the way.

Ready to get started? Wonderful! You can learn more about Private Life Coaching by clicking here.

If you are feeling called to honor God by writing a book but you’ve hit a brick wall with your work in progress and need some guidance from someone who has been down those roads before, I’d be delighted to answer your burning questions and help you break through that specific area you’re struggling with.

For a limited time, I’m offering a “Write that Book” 1-hour strategy call so we can work together to uncover what is hindering and keeping you stuck with your current book project and map out a way for you to continue moving forward. 

I’m working on my fifth book, I have a master’s degree in journalism from New York University and I have written for various publications including The New York Times and Charisma’s website. I look forward to sharing some of my expertise with you so you can make major progress with your book in 2020.  

Learn more about the “Write Your Book” strategy call here.   

You don’t have to go it alone. Let’s SHINE together!

Blessings as you walk by abounding faith, hope and love and live your God-given dreams!


Want to know what’s happening at Abounding Faith? Join the mailing list and get updates about Abounding Faith’s books, events, podcast and more.