Dates for Our Daily Bread October Articles – My Seventh & Eighth Devotional Articles!

My SEVENTH and EIGHTH articles are appearing in the Our Daily Bread devotional this month  🙌

Please be on the lookout for my articles on October 17 and 29 in print or on Our Daily Bread Ministries’ website, app, podcast, YouTube channel or social media.

If you’re encouraged by my articles, please feel free to say hi on Abounding Faith’s social media 👋

If you receive the monthly printed Our Daily Bread devotional, I’d love to know!

Please feel free to share these articles with others who could use some encouragement 🙏


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!

Hispanic Heritage Month 2024 Greeting (VIDEO & PODCAST)

I hope you’ll check out my Hispanic Heritage Month Greeting in this video.

You can also check out my related NEW Abounding Faith for Today podcast episode (58) wherever you listen to podcasts.

Hispanic Heritage Month is from September 15 – October 15, but we’re here all year long.

I hope my books and devotional articles encourage and inspire you.

I’m so grateful that God has created, called and chosen me to write and speak about Him for such a time as this.

When I look at the pics above, I can’t help but think younger me would be amazed by all the writing for newspapers, magazines, websites, blogs, books and devotionals to come.

My journey as a Latina writer has included:

  • Being the only Latina in my college journalism classes & required internship
  • Being one of only a handful of Hispanics at a major newspaper where I worked
  • Now being one of the very few Christian Latina Authors being traditionally published
  • Now being one of only a handful of Hispanic author for Our Daily Bread Ministries

God isn’t surprised that I’m Latina.

He’s the One Who gave me this writing gift.

I’m grateful to be the daughter of two loving and hardworking parents who boarded planes separately from Central and South America as young adults. They met and married here.

Here I am.

Gracias for all your prayers and support!

You can read more about my writing and faith journey in God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress). This empowering book is available wherever books are sold.

Please take a moment to leave a kind rating and review on Amazon or GoodReads. That makes more of a difference than you can imagine.

I hope you’ll continue celebrating and supporting Christian Latina Authors all throughout the year.

And please continue telling your familia y amigas and your small group and Women’s Ministry, etc about my work to encourage them as they walk by abounding faith, hope and love and dare to live their God-given dreams.

God bless y bendiciones!


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!

Guest on Author Jennifer Rothschild’s 4:13 Podcast

I was so delighted to speak with Jennifer Rothschild for her 4:13 Podcast about my book God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress) 🔥 I hope you’re encouraged by our conversation.

P.S. – It was a bit surreal to be interviewed by Jennifer Rothschild. Years ago, I was part of a Bible study at my previous church that was based on one of her books. What a full circle moment to get to speak with her about one of my books!

Only God could do that 🙌

Check out the inspiring episode here or wherever you listen to podcasts.


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!

NEW Abounding Faith Video

Get to know Abounding Faith through this updated short video.

Abounding Faith’s books, podcast, blog, YouTube channel and more will encourage you as you walk by faith, hope and love and dare to live your God-given dreams 🔥

Learn more at Abounding Faith’s website

Thanks for your support and prayers and encouragement for this Christian Latina Author, Speaker & Creative.

DM me on Abounding Faith’s social media with questions or to explore how we can collaborate and SOAR together✨


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!

Septembers to Remember – Sydney & Winning Our Daily Bread Writing Contest

The gal smiling in these pics (above) had no idea what God had in store when He chased her down during one amazing week in Sydney …

So much happened during that one week in September and in all the years that have followed.

My life has never been the same 🔥

I share some of my faith journey in my books and devotional articles including in my latest book God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress). It’s available wherever books are sold.

This September also marks 10 YEARS since that September I won Our Daily Bread‘s Online Writing Contest for Readers.

Winning that writing contest was great confirmation that I was on the right track in this season of my writing journey.

You can watch the short video I shot for the staff at Our Daily Bread after I won their Online Writing Contest for Readers below. They played this video at their staff meeting. I was told folks applauded at the end 💕 So honored to now be an Our Daily Bread author for their main devotional 🔥

This September also marks eight years of being part of the Times Square Church family.

Walking by faith isn’t always easy. The road can feel long and winding.

Every now and again, it’s good to stop and reflect on how God has been with you all along your life.

Thanks for staying on this faith journey with me.

To God be the Glory!


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month 2024 & My Loaves & Fish

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 – October 15). As we kick off this month of celebrating the fantastic contributions and culture of Latinos/Hispanics living in the United States, I’m celebrating being a Christian Latina Author (year round).

Some of my loaves and fish are pictured above 🙌 (Click here to watch the video clip.)

When God called me out of my journalism career, I had NO idea that one day I’d be an author or writing devotional articles for the Our Daily Bread devotional that’s available worldwide 🔥

My writing went into hiding for Y E A R S …

But God had a plot twist.

God is the Author of our story 🙌

I’m grateful to be the daughter of two loving and hard-working parents who boarded planes (separately) from Central and South America to move to the United States decades ago. They met and married in the U.S. I’m grateful to be a first-generation Latina American who’s sharing some of the insights and lessons I’ve learned along my faith journey.

It’s been a long and winding road, but I’m delighted to be in this season for such a time as this.

What’s in your hands? What is God calling you to surrender to Him?

I pray my books and devotional articles will encourage and inspire you as you walk by abounding faith, hope and love and dare to live your God-given dreams 💕

Thanks for your continued support and prayers for this Christian Latina Author. It sure does mean a lot to me. And your support for my work makes a huge difference in the Christian publishing world.

I hope you’ll take a moment to buy copies of God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress) for yourself and for the phenomenal women in your life.

Please take a moment to leave a kind rating or review on Amazon or Goodreads and follow Abounding Faith on social media.

The more support you show for Latina authors like yours truly, the more inclined publishers will be to release more books by even more Latina authors.

Thanks for staying on this faith journey with me. To God be the Glory!

P.S. Don’t forget that my sixth article is appearing in the Our Daily Bread devotional tomorrow, Tuesday, September 17. Hope it encourages you.


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!

Our Daily Bread Devotional Date for September – My 6th Article!

I’m so excited that my sixth article is appearing in Our Daily Bread Ministries’ devotional next Tuesday, September 17 🙌

I’m sharing about a touching moment with my Dear Dad during one of my visits to his beloved Ecuador 💕 It’s such a blessing for me whenever I get to help keep his memory alive through my writing 🙌

Please be on the lookout for my article in print or on Our Daily Bread Ministries’ website, app, podcast, YouTube channel or social media.

I pray you’re encouraged by my article.

If you receive the monthly printed Our Daily Bread devotional, I’d love to know!

Please feel free to share my article with others who could use some encouragement 🙏


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!

Got Questions for Me?

Do you have a question you’d like me to answer in a future blog post or podcast episode?

What’s your question for this life coach, writer and sister in Christ?

DM me your question on Abounding Faith’s social media.

I’ll prayerfully consider answering it in the near future.

Happy Labor Day!


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!

Summer Updates & August Our Daily Bread Devotional Article Date

It’s been a while since I shot a quick video greeting. I’m sharing a few updates in the short video (above) I recorded last week.

One of the updates I’m sharing is that I’m delighted that my fifth article is appearing in Our Daily Bread Ministries’ devotional on Friday, August 30th.

Please be on the lookout for it in print or on Our Daily Bread Ministries’ website, app, podcast, YouTube channel or social media.

I pray you’re encouraged by my article. I’m sharing about when God called me out of my journalism career.

And here’s the link to the NEW FREE Leader’s Guide PDF for God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress) that I mention in the video.

Who will you study God-Given Dreams with?


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!

NEW Leader’s Guide for Empowering God-Given Dreams Book

Great News 🎉 The FREE Leader’s Guide PDF is now available for my God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress) book. The Leader’s Guide is filled with tips and ideas to help you study this inspiring book with your friends, family, small group, Women’s Ministry or book club 🔥

You can find the link to the PDF right here.

Who will you be studying God-Given Dreams with? Would love to see photos of your group 💕


Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!