I recently noticed this picture by one of the fire exits at my job, and it made me chuckle. Ever feel like dropping whatever you’re doing and just running for the nearest exit and not looking back?
Ever just want to hop on the next train, plane, taxi (enter your ideal escape vehicle here _________) and just go anywhere but where you currently find yourself?
I think we’ve all been there at some time(s) in our lives. While it’s tempting to want to run away when life’s problems and circumstances are weighing you down, many times it’s wiser to stay awhile and to get your bearings before you make any sudden moves.
There is something to be said about not rushing out of situations (unless they are life-threatening) and just remaining where you are for just a bit longer.
“Be still and know that I am God,” is what we’re told in Psalm 46:10.
Yes, sometimes God wants us to rest and be still for awhile. As our Good Shepherd, “He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul.” (Psalm 23:22-3)
Some of us are so good at running away that the thought of slowing down can seem so foreign and even dreadful.
But it’s only when we slow down and get quiet before the Lord that we can hear Him more clearly.
When was the last time that you spent time being silent before the Lord? Could you hear God speaking to you in the midst of the chaos you were in? What did you hear Him say?
I’m reminded of Elijah and how he literally ran for his life, got exhausted and depressed, and how God in His mercy met him right in the middle of that trial. How did God present Himself to Elijah? It wasn’t through the rushing wind, the rumbling earthquake or raging fire. It was in a gentle whisper. (I Kings 19:1-13)
If Elijah hadn’t slowed down, he could have easily missed his divine appointment with God!
Let’s try not to be in such a hurry.
If everything in you is itching to run, could I encourage you to take a moment and wait upon the Lord? His timing is perfect, so try not to go rushing ahead of Him. Enjoy the quiet time with the Lord as you would if you were spending quality time with your friend or loved one. See if that doesn’t give you a healthier perspective about your situation and give you that peace that only Jesus, the Prince of Peace, can give you. (Isaiah 9:6)
That time of refreshing will strengthen you for the next leg of your journey. I guess that’s why we’re called to “walk” with the Lord instead of to “run” with Him!
Did this help you take your running shoes off for the moment? Feel free to leave a comment below.