Viking Hunters

union square
An ordinary afternoon in Union Square Park.

In 2010, God allowed my friends Christine, Vernon, Juan, and I to take an evangelism class at our church based on the popular series “The Way of the Master”.

“Us Four” as I affectionately call us, already had evangelism experience under our belt so we were actually students who were going to be quickly turning around and training others.

As part of the class, we took our first “fishing trip” to Union Square Park on a Friday evening to practice the skills we had been learning throughout the weeks.

Initially, we all split up to talk to people one-on-one but I didn’t fare so well as I started talking to a guy and half way through our conversation his girlfriend came up to us. I was so concerned that she might have the wrong idea about what I was doing, that I lost my train of thought and only gave him the law and pointed out his sins but forgot to mention the “Good News” that we have a savior in Jesus.

I saw that Christine was free, so I went to partner with her.  We found another fellow to talk to when all of the sudden we spotted him.

Out of nowhere, a guy dressed as a viking –  with a mask, horns on his helmet and spikes— started crossing the street and was heading right in our direction.  Christine had been in the middle of sharing the Gospel with the dude we were standing with. Later on, she shared that all she could think was that the devil himself was headed our way! All she could do was keep preaching the Word! I just tried to remain calm. After all, we were in Union Square on a Friday night. There are always tons of characters there. Thankfully, he walked by us without any incident.

After we were done, we went to check on the guys. Juan soon joined us, but Vern was in the middle of sharing the Gospel with a group of people who seemed to be hanging on his every word. Christine went over to talk to some of the teens standing by Vern, leaving Juan and me to our own devices.

Juan and I were the “loose cannons” from the group, so we weren’t going to stand still for too long.

We were there for just a few moments when I spotted him again.  There was the viking. Except this time he was sitting by himself, smoking a cigarette.

As I saw him sitting there, I thought, “Well, if he really is the devil incarnate then we should go preach to him too!” So without any further thought, I said to Juan, “Let’s go over to him.”  To which Juan immediately replied, “Ok!” As we were walking over to him, I suddenly realized that I had no idea what to say so when we were just steps away from the viking, Juan and I quickly decided that he should be the one to talk.  Perfect! He was the Green Beret and Master Sergeant in the U.S. Army!  I, on the other hand, was not.

I was just “in the zone” which I can only describe as being filled with Holy Ghost boldness as well as a little touch of crazy (how else can I explain going out and evangelizing in New York City and abroad!)

Thankfully, Juan eased his way into a conversation with the viking and suddenly, to our surprise, he relaxed enough to literally lift up his mask so we could see him face-to-face. Instantly, the intimidating viking became just another young guy who needed to be reminded that God loves him.

He shared how he had just finished one job and was on his way to another job where I suppose he is required to wear the costume. He mentioned that he did grow up going to church. We chatted for a bit, and I was thrilled that I got to pray for him at the end of our conversation.

Now I can’t say that I’d go up to every viking I see, but I am so thankful that God reminded me that night to look past a person’s exterior to see the lost sheep inside.

There are lost and hurting sheep all around us. Do you see them? They are in your home, work, school, neighborhood, etc… Why not ask God to show you who He would like you to reach out to with a kind word, smile, prayer or with an invite to your church?

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The Confession

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Doing outreaches in New York City can be just as adventurous as going abroad on short-term missions trips! You never know quite who you’ll meet. Here’s a story of one unforgettable encounter I had while ministering in Manhattan.

In 2008, I felt God drawing me to serve with the New York School of Urban Ministry (NYSUM).  NYSUM provides training and housing for short-term missions teams ministering in New York City.

As an associate staff member, I would take teams who were visiting from out of town on outreaches to place like The Father’s Heart Ministries soup kitchen, to local shelters, and also on homeless outreaches.

The place I used to take teams to on homeless outreaches was in midtown. The team would hand out sandwiches, toiletries, and blankets and then we’d get to speak and pray with the men waiting on line to enter a facility where I’m told they sleep on metal chairs instead of beds.

I’ve met all kinds of homeless people. I must say most are friendly and welcome a listening ear. Some are well versed in the Bible. A few have thanked me profusely for spending time with them and have said they would like to one day do the same thing that I was doing! So sweet.

I have fond memories of many of them. Many of the guys at this particular site had just come from out of town and had no place to stay.

Then there was this one guy who shocked me.

One evening, I was talking to a man who seemed deeply burdened. I had prayed with other guys numerous times before, but it seemed like something was really weighing this man down.  When I asked him what I could pray for, I thought he would say something rather standard such as for a job, an apartment or for good health. But he surprised me by saying, “Forgiveness.”

So I began to pray for him. Normally, I would then invite the person to pray silently, but for some reason I felt like he needed to get whatever it was off his chest so I suggested he say whatever he needed to say to God out loud and that it would remain between him and God.  I wasn’t prepared for what he was about to say next.

With tears streaming down his face, he asked God to forgive him for shooting someone. Huh? I was stunned.  But at the same time, I was honored that he felt that comfortable that he could say that in front of me.  I continued to pray for him and soon it was time to leave.

Only as I was heading back to the van with the team did all these thoughts start racing through my mind including, what if he still had the gun with him?

Looking back, I’m sure I could have handled the situation much better, but on that particular night I felt like my job was not to judge the man or make sure that he was arrested.  God would take care of that. On that night, I felt that I was called to just listen and pray for a man who was in deep distress.

It reminds me that there is no pit too deep that Jesus can’t redeem us and rescue us from it!  Sure we may not have shot anyone, but we still have sins that we need to confess to God and sometimes even to each other.

Yes we are saved in an instant but sanctification, or being set apart for God and being molded into the image of Christ, is a process. It happens over a lifetime.

Could I encourage you to take a moment right now and ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and to shine a light on any unconfessed sin that you may have? If something comes to mind, don’t ignore it. Just ask Jesus to forgive you. Ask Him to give you the strength to stop doing/saying/thinking that or to start doing/saying/thinking what you know you should.

The Bible says, “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1John 1:8-9)

What a wonderful Savior we have! Receive your forgiveness from Jesus and ask Him to cleanse you and help you make a brand new start. To read more about how Jesus cleanses us, click here.

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THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Honduras Highlights

Honduras cover

It’s a tradition. After each of my short-term missions trips, I put together some pictures and thoughts and create slides to help me share my experiences with others.

My Honduras slides are ready! I’m going to let them do all the talking this week. Please click Honduras PDF to view them. I hope you are blessed!

If you missed my other posts about Honduras, feel free to check out: Hola Honduras, Viva HondurasForeign Friends Part 2 or Why Go?

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One Step at a Time

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“One step at a time, Sister. That’s the only way you’re going to make it. Take it easy.”

Those were the wise words I overheard as I was climbing up the stairs to go to a prayer meeting the other day. I couldn’t help but turn around to see who was speaking. A man was encouraging an older lady who perhaps had a foot injury. She was slowly making her way up the staircase, step by step.

Even though the comment wasn’t directed at me, it stuck with me.

Yes, that’s how I’ll get to where God is taking me. Not all at once, but little by little. One step of faith after another.

If you are anything like me, you may be tempted to run up the stairs. Or better yet, to tackle two or three steps at a time. But friends, have you noticed that God is not in a hurry?

We may not understand His divine timetable, but there’s no use fighting Him on it. His timing is perfect.

In order to make it to the top step, we must keep climbing. Keep persevering. And like the woman behind me who must have eventually made it to the final step, we just have to keep moving forward.

Take a short rest if you must. Take it slowly if you need to. But don’t get overwhelmed by the journey. Keep walking, knowing that the Lord is with you. His grace truly is enough, and His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

You will make it!

If the journey has you winded in anyway right now, remember to keep leaning on Jesus. Do you hear Him? He’s saying, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

If this encouraged you, please feel free to leave a comment and to hit “Like” below.

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


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The other day I got into work and read a flurry of e-mails that had gone out the night before alerting the staff that the computer server had problems, and the guys in the IT department were doing their best to get everything back on track. The e-mails continued early the following morning. Each one alerting us about the status of the problem.

The last message went out saying the problem had been resolved. Great!

What struck me was that because the trouble had started after I had left work the night before and it was solved by the time I had gotten into the office the following morning, I was blissfully unaware of everything that was going on.

The issue had been taken care of without me having to fret about it or having to lift a finger. Sweet.

Now this was a computer problem we experienced, but I immediately started thinking of the spiritual applications.

There is a spiritual battle going on all around us, as you may know. While sometimes it’s on our radar and we can feel the fiery darts attacking us from all sides, other times we are oblivious to what’s going on around us. Why?

One reason is because our Heavenly Father is fighting the battle for us!

Just like the IT department was working feverishly to correct the problem at hand, the Lord and His army are fighting battles that we may never, ever know about.

Doesn’t it feel wonderful to know that God Almighty, yes Jesus who is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, is fighting for us! Amazing!

I’m not sure what battles you’re facing, but let me encourage you fellow believer. Jesus is fighting on your behalf. And if God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31)

I’m reminded of the story of Elisha and his servant when they were in the city of Dothan. The king of Aram was enraged with the prophet Elisha so he sent his troops to hunt him down. It looked like the prophet and his servant were doomed, but Elisha didn’t panic.

“When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.

“Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

As the enemy came down toward him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, “Strike this army with blindness.” So he struck them with blindness, as Elisha had asked. (2 Kings: 15-18)

I love this story because it shows that we are not alone. God is there fighting for us.

And the Bible says that Jesus is at the right hand of the Father interceding for us. (Romans 8:34)

No wonder the Bible says over and over again to Fear Not! We can’t lose with God on our side! Praise God!

So keep reading, studying, mediating, believing, proclaiming, obeying and living out what you read in the Bible! Trust that God is there fighting for you, and that you are protected.

I hope this encouraged you. If so, please feel free to leave a comment or to hit “Like” below.

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

It’s All About the PROCESS

Lessons from Assembling the Cubbies

cubbie beginning

I finally got around to buying this organizer the other day, and I felt daring enough to tackle assembling it all on my own. I figured it would be a fun project to work on without breaking too much of a sweat.

I’m not a builder by any stretch of the imagination. So, I put on a relaxing Gospel CD and took inventory of all the moving parts. Yes, as you can imagine I found tons of spiritual applications along the way that helped to show me what our faith journey is like. I thought I’d share them with you below.

Know Your Goal – Here the goal was to take all the pieces and put them together like the picture on the outside of the box. In life, you also need to have goals and dreams in front of you. Our ultimate goal should be to be more like Christ.

Have the Right Tools – In this case, I used the different pieces provided and I made sure I had a hammer and screwdriver handy. In our walk with Christ, our tools include prayer, reading the Bible, and being plugged into a church.

Read the Manual! – Had I ignored the instructions, I would not have known where to start or how the pieces fit together. The same is true with reading the Bible. We need to read it so we know how to grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord.


cubbie middle
Don’t Give Up Half Way! – I did hit a road block on the first day, which I’ll mention below, but I was determined to keep going! What would have happened if I just left the organizer like it looked above? I couldn’t use it for its intended purpose. So many times in our walk, we may be tempted to quit when it seems too hard or we get distracted by other interests. But as I recently heard a Pastor say, “It’s always too early to give up.”

It’s OK to Ask for Help if You Need it. – I accidentally put some pieces where they didn’t belong, so I couldn’t get them out. Since it was already late in the evening, I decided to stop the construction for the moment. I figured I could find the pliers the following day. My uncle happened to be visiting that day so he helped me take out the misplaced pieces. So in this case, I needed to find an extra tool and I needed a family member to help me. When we encounter an obstacle in our spiritual walk, it’s ok to ask a trusted friend in the Lord to help even if it’s just to lift us up in prayer. Of course, we can always turn to Jesus directly to ask Him to forgive us if we’ve sinned or to give us the strength to move past the problem or situation.

It Takes Time to Build Something! – In this case, the shelves didn’t instantly appear. The pieces had to be stacked piece by piece and row by row. There was an order to it. The same is true in our Christian walk. We can’t be jumping around and skipping steps. Each part of the process is important. Eventually, the finished work will be ready!

So how did my shelves turn out?

cubbie final

Not bad, eh?  I still need to put some finishing touches on it, but soon my books and other items will have a new home.

So wherever you are in your journey, remember to try not to despise the process. It can seem long, or hard, or tedious or boring or painful, but God is the Master Builder and He knows what He’s doing!

“…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”       (Philippians 1:6)

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THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Perfect Timing

sign - Copy

I saw this sign the other day, and it just spoke to me.

Ever have that feeling that something good was right around the corner? Like something that you have been hoping for was on it’s way.

It’s a great feeling, right?

I can’t place my finger on it, but I’m just sensing something really good is on it’s way!

Perhaps it’s that whole idea of “after obedience, comes the blessing.” The idea that there is a time to sow and water and plant and then there is harvest time where you get to reap your rewards!

Maybe it’s because God just blew all my expectations out of the water during my recent short-term missions trip! All I can say is that God answers prayers, He is working, and His timing is perfect!

As the Word says, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

Are you in a dry season or valley right now? HOLD ON! It gets better! The best is yet to come!

Below are some verses to help encourage you that God does show up and when He does, it’s in a BIG WAY!  It’s in a way where you can only say, “That was totally all God!”

  • “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)
  • “… weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5)
  • “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” (1 Peter 5:6)
  • “You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” (Hebrews 10:36)

God is Faithful! If He has spoken to you about something, TRUST that He will bring it to pass! And when it happens, come back and tell me! Blessings!

Did this encourage you? If so, please feel free to leave a comment below or to hit “Like”.

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Short-term missions trips 101

These days more and more people are asking me how I started going on short term missions trips and sharing with me that they are interested in going as well. Awesome! There’s a big, beautiful world out there with too many people who don’t know the Lord!

As I’ve shared before, I’m more of an accidental short-term missionary. I’m no “expert” in this field. However, after going on four short-term missions trips I’ve learned a thing or two so I’d like to share that info with you as you make your decision to GO!

Pray, pray, and well PRAY! – Short-term missions trips shouldn’t be confused with vacations or getaways. Yes, you get to travel to a foreign land and get to meet people from different cultures and perhaps get to see some famous sites while there, but that’s not the main reason for your trip! Honestly, I see it more as going off to battle. There’s a spiritual war going on and people’s souls are at stake. That’s why prayer and even fasting are key! As soon as you get an inkling that you might want to go on a trip, invite others you trust to start praying as well!

Do your research – There are tons of organizations out there and most have websites you can check out. Look up a few of them (unless your church is providing you with the opportunity to work with a particular organization). What are their beliefs? What is their vision for the trip? What will the mission be? Do they have a sample itinerary they could send you? Do you need to sign up with your own group or can you go as an individual (or family) and be assigned to a group? At this point, ask people you trust if they’ve heard of the organizations and visit their social media pages and blogs to read about their past trips. Again, ask God to guide you to the right organization. (To read how God led me to my recent trip, read Hola Honduras).

Listen to the Lord’s leading – Are you feeling drawn to a certain country or people group? Are you feeling called to work with children? There are various types of missions opportunities. Some groups focus on visiting orphans, holding vacation Bible schools for kids or doing outreaches like skits and puppet shows for children. Others focus more on construction and building orphanages or renovating buildings. Still others are more evangelism focused and include doing outreaches or festivals in public plazas or other venues. Others are strictly compassion focused and take teams to the poorest of the poor to feed, clothe them or to offer medical clinics. We’re all gifted in different ways, so ask God to show you where your gifts, talents, and personality would best fit.

How long is the trip? – Short-term trips are usually 1 to 2 weeks long. Other trips can be for 3 months, 6 months or even a year. If you’re interested in going for a year or longer, congratulations!  Keep praying! That most likely means you are being called to be a full-time missionary! If that is the case, I would say to go to your pastor, elder or other trusted mature Christians (including family members) to ask them to help you make that decision. You might want to go to a Bible school or seminary to learn more.

Some practicals – What is the temperature like in the area you would be going to? I don’t do well when it’s extremely hot, so that’s very important to me. What will the sleeping conditions be like? I’ve gone from sleeping in a hammock on a boat in the Amazon in Brazil to staying in a beautiful 4-star hotel in Honduras! Both have been wonderful, but it helps to know that ahead of time. How safe is the area and what is the plan to keep the team safe? Will you have translators or is English popular there?  I was happily surprised that so many people spoke English in Ethiopia! Will there be a doctor or nurse on the team or will you be close to a clinic, God forbid something happens! What kind of shots or visas are needed for the trip?

What is the cost? – Notice, I left this last on the list because honestly, if you’ve gotten this far in the process and you still feel the Lord calling you to GO on the trip then trust that God will make a way for you to go no matter what the price tag is! As the saying goes, where God guides, He provides! There are tons of fundraising ideas online that you can look into, and again pray about which family and friends you may want to ask to help fund your trip. You might be surprised by how many will happily contribute!

I hope this helps you as you make your decision. Ultimately though, if God is calling you to go on a certain trip I would encourage you to GO FOR IT even if at first it doesn’t seem to suit your calling, giftings, personality, etc… God knows what He’s doing and He might just want to use the trip to help s-t-r-e-t-c-h you! (To read how I was stretched on the construction site in Brazil, read Adventures in the Amazon).

Missions trips may not be easy (think enduring long travel times, interacting with a team of people with different personalty types, eating new food, pouring out and serving others day after day), but they are so rewarding!

As I’ve shared before, I see God do the miraculous while abroad! He’s done amazing things inside of me as well!  My faith always grows by leaps and bounds when I step out and GO and help to be the hands and feet of Jesus!

I pray that if you GO, you will have an amazing adventure of a lifetime as well! I look forward to hearing all about it!

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10)

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THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Foreign Friends – Part 2

Boys we met at our first ministry site

We had the pleasure of meeting many kids and teens during our time in Honduras. Each one has a story. Each one is precious in God’s sight.

Leading up to this trip, I just knew there would come a time when I would meet one person and I would KNOW that he or she was the reason why I couldn’t stay comfortable at home and why I kept feeling drawn to Honduras. I KNEW that God would show me who that person was.

In Brazil, that person was Josie, who you can read about here. In Ecuador, it was a young 14-year-old girl who was the oldest of six kids who lived in a humble farming community that was high atop the Andes mountains. She didn’t go to school because she had to stay home doing chores and watching her younger siblings. She was a bit shy. When it was time to play games with all the kids, she was awkward and felt more comfortable sitting back and watching everyone else. That was fine with me as it gave me a chance to chat with her without her siblings being in tow.

In Ethiopia, it was a young 14-year-old girl I’ll call Ann. We had visited a government run shelter for orphans and abused girls. There were about 300 girls and a few little boys in that shelter (there was a separate shelter for older boys). I can still remember the sea of girls that attached themselves to each of the team members. I am not exaggerating when I say that I had one girl holding each of my hands and one girl tucked into both of my arms. When we walked, we walked as one organism, only separating when we had to pass through a doorway. All they wanted was for us to play with them and to spend some time with them. They excitedly showed us the barn they had on the property. They so sweetly covered my head when it started to rain. They kindly pulled out a chair for me when we were indoors. It was there that I got a glimpse of how the children must have flocked to Jesus when He was passing by. If I could, I would have hugged all the kids that day!  Still, Ann is one of the girls that still stands out to me. She had a sparkle in her smile. Her English was great! When I started chatting with her about the Lord she exclaimed, “I love Jesus!”  She had recently become a Christian and a family member was taking her to church. I happened to have one Gideon Bible with me, and I knew she was the one to give it to.  I happily gave it to her with this charge, “Read it and then share what you learn with the others!”

So who would I meet in Honduras?

This time we interacted with so many kids, but I’ll share about only two for now.

The first is a 14-year-old boy that I’ll call Nelson. I was chatting with his friend at the site pictured above. I was encouraging them that God has a good plan for their lives. As I was encouraging them that they can overcome their obstacles, Nelson surprised me by quoting Philippians 4:13 which states, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” I asked him what else he knew so he quoted John 3:16 which states, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” I was so blessed to hear him quoting scripture so I asked him if he had a Bible. His eyes lit up as he said, “No.” That’s when I was so thankful that I had brought a small Gospel of John in Spanish. I didn’t know who it was meant for until that moment. I gave it to him with the same charge, “Read it and then teach the others!”

The other boy that made a real impact on me was a 15-year-old boy I met at the high school. I will call him Victor. We had just finished our presentation and were chatting with the students. Victor was standing next to his girlfriend. I soon learned she was a believer who went to church. I asked Victor what impacted him the most about the presentation and he said the “Everything” drama. The drama is about a girl who is lured away from Jesus because of a guy, money, drinking, eating disorders and ultimately suicidal thoughts. Jesus redeems her of all of that!

I asked Victor if he faced some of those temptations. He said he was dealing with all of them. I asked if he believed in God. He said he wasn’t sure. “How could there be a God with all the bad things that happen?” he asked. I shared how we live in a fallen world and we can choose to follow God or to sin and live how we want, etc…  He listened intently. When I asked if he’d like to receive the Lord, he said yes. After we prayed, I just held onto his hands and looked him square in the eyes and kept speaking life into him. He just kept listening and holding on to my hands. He had tears in his eyes. At that moment, it didn’t matter that he was in his high school or that his girlfriend was standing right next to him. I’m not even sure what I said to him, but in that moment I KNEW that Victor was a big reason why I had come to Honduras.

If Victor were the only person I had prayed with during my time in Honduras, I would still have counted my trip a success. For Victor was a lost sheep that desperately needed to hear that God loves him!

I count it a joy and a priviledge to share these moments with kids (and adults!) in foreign places.  I may never see them again this side of heaven, so I always pray that I will make the most of what little time I have with them.

Again, you don’t have to wait to be abroad to pray for and encourage those around you. Pray and ask God to lead you to the people He wants you to share His Good News with. That is definitely a prayer that God will answer!

If this encouraged you, feel free to leave a comment or to hit “Like” below.

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Viva Honduras

Cute school kids we visited

My trip to Honduras was everything I could have hoped for and more!

The people were so friendly, and our host church CEAD went above and beyond to make us feel welcome. That included greeting us with a banner at the airport in the wee hours of the morning, throwing us a welcoming party, serving as translators and guides throughout the week, and sending us off with a night of culture, which included food, music, and fireworks!

The people of Honduras were ready for change. They were open to inviting Jesus into their lives and into their country.

God showed up in a Mighty way in Honduras. I’m honored to have been part of this historic trip.  I’m still amazed that 2,000 missionaries went to flood Honduras with the love of Jesus and that I was one of them! (To read how I decided to go on the trip, click here.)

There’s no way I could fully describe everything I saw, felt and experienced in Honduras, but I will try to give you a just a taste.

Honduras is one of the most violent countries in the world because of all the gang activity that takes place. It is located in Central America, near my Mom’s home country of El Salvador.

The country is divided into 18 different states or provinces. The teams were spread out all throughout Honduras. A group of more than 100 was assigned to Honduras’ capital city Tegucigalpa in the state of Francisco Morazan. There we broke up into seven teams.

The team of 20 that I was with on a daily basis was called Team 4. We were a mix of folks from New York, New Jersey, Florida, Texas and North Carolina. (You guys rocked!) Monday through Thursday we visited various sites including an elementary school, a middle school, a high school, the Harvard of Honduras, a hospital, a detention center for street boys, and a temporary shelter for families who had traveled for hours so their loved ones could be admitted into the hospital.

At each of those sites we performed skits and dramas, shared testimonies, gave salvation calls, and prayed for the people afterwards. At each of those sites, we felt God’s prescence in a powerful way! Amazingly, my team alone saw more than 240 people give their lives to Christ! Yes, the harvest was ripe!

While we were ministering to the youth and some of the poor, there were other missionaries who were conducting medical clinics, distributing food and shoes throughout the country and leaders training the local pastors. There were others who visited the Westpoint of Honduras. The military was so receptive that they ordered hundreds of the discipleship books being distributed so that incoming students could also be trained!

Everywhere we went, people welcomed us and remarked that they could feel that God was with us. People were so open to prayer. That included our guards, our hotel staff, the mayor of the beautiful tourist city we visited on our free day called Valle de Angeles, etc…

Our US team in Francisco Morazan plus the local Honduran team helped bring the Gospel to more than 40,000 people in those few short days. More than 12,000 people received the Lord! Glory to God!

If all that wasn’t amazing enough, then Saturday came. That was the official 1Nation1Day when 18 crusades or festivals were to take place. The President had already declared July 20th a national holiday. So much prayer and preparation went into the events. Would the people come?

The answer?  YES!


In our stadium alone, 35,000 cheered and worshiped the Lord! Some 3,000 were in an overflow stadium!

Very early on in the evening, we saw a man walk right out of his wheelchair! There were reports that people were being healed as they were simply entering the stadium!

I was rejoicing just being in the stadium, and then they invited us to go onto the field! What an honor! We got to take a lap around the stadium. The people were cheering and thanking us for coming. I felt like I was an Olympian in the Closing Ceremonies. Except I was an Olympian for Jesus!

Things got even better!

So we’re standing there on the track and it’s time for the salvation call so we’re asked to start interceding for the people. I’m praying for people from afar, but I’m still hoping that I can interact with them. But they are behind a fence. And so many raised their hands to receive the Lord. How could we pray for all of them?

Then the guards open the gates and the people start trickling onto the field. And they start coming to us with their prayer requests! Yes! That’s why we came! To pray with the people and to encourage them and to love on them!

We’d pray for one person, and then a family, and then two friends. We’d pray for adults and kids. We’d pray for healing. We’d pray for salvation. We’d pray for other requests.

It was organized chaos, and I loved it!

The crusades made the covers of the local papers. Sweet!

In San Pedro Sula, the “murder capital of the world” there are usually 20 murders a day. Prior to our arrival in Honduras, the two major gangs had called a truce. That had to be God parting the seas! I’m told that during the 9 days that a team was there, there were no murders. Praise God!

I’m so thankful that God kept us all safe. I’m so thankful that the team got along so well. I’m so thankful that people recovered from the stomach bug that was going around. I’m so thankful that our family and loved ones were kept safe while we were away.

I’m so thankful that God showed up in unexpected and extraordinary ways!

All I can say is that we serve an AWESOME GOD! Jesus is real. He is alive. He still heals. He is still in the miracle working business.

The same Jesus that showed up in Honduras wants to flood your life with His Love and His Power. Will you let Him?

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20 – 21)

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