4 of My Favorite Bible Verses

I’m continuing the look back at some of the short, encouraging videos I’ve shot in 2014 and 2013. This time I’m focusing on the videos where I share about some of my favorite Bible verses. I hope you enjoy these videos that are around 30 seconds each. To view the rest of my 20+ short videos, feel free to visit my YouTube Channel. Blessings!

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

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button (24)For more encouragement and to learn how I can come alongside of you as your Life Coach or to invite me to speak at your event, visit my website www.aboundingfaith.com. You can also find me on YouTube and Pinterest.

God’s Love in Every Season

I thought it would be nice to take a look back at some of the short, encouraging videos I’ve shot in 2014 and 2013. It’s fun to see all the seasons changing. It’s even better to remember that God loves us no matter what season of life we are in! I hope you enjoy these videos that are around 30 seconds each. To view the rest of my 20+ short videos, feel free to visit my YouTube Channel. Blessings!

Winter 2013

Spring 2013

Summer 2014

Fall 2014

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button (24)For more encouragement and to learn how I can come alongside of you as your Life Coach or to invite me to speak at your event, visit my website www.aboundingfaith.com. You can also find me on YouTube and Pinterest.

Being Emptied to be Filled


Usually at the end of the year I get bit by the cleaning bug. This is the time of the year when I like to hibernate and take some time to purge and organize around the house.

I’m happy to report that it’s finally time to get to that one room that I’ve ignored for too long. I’m sure you have a closet, room or drawer that you have to force yourself to tackle. C’mon, be honest.

The thing is I finally have a vision for this room. That’s great. But there’s a problem. I can’t move forward with my plans because the room is already crowded with stuff.

Here’s where the lesson comes in…

This messy, disorganized room that is in desperate need of a makeover is exactly how some of us are. I know, ouch. But it’s true.

The Lord has a great plan for us, but how many of us still have “junk” in our lives that we haven’t dealt with? Before the Lord can fill us afresh in some areas, we need to let go of a few things. It’s different for everyone, but here’s a sample list: old grudges, hurts, offenses, secret sins, bad attitudes, etc…

What is the Holy Spirit pointing out to you? Could I encourage you to invite the Holy Spirit into that area of your life that is out of control so that you can be healed and filled with God’s love, grace, and mercy?

As we approach a new year, let’s let the Lord do the demolition and construction work He needs to so that He can continue His Divine Design for our lives. After all, we’re all Works in Progress.

I’m reminded of the verse that says that new wine can’t be poured into old wineskins.

“Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” (Matthew 9:17)

Let’s make room for the Lord in all areas of our lives. It may be a little painful and it will take some time, but in the end you will be amazed at how God can transform you from the inside out!

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button (24)For more encouragement and to learn how I can come alongside of you as your Life Coach or to invite me to speak at your event, visit my website www.aboundingfaith.com. You can also find me on YouTube and Pinterest.

Special Thanksgiving Greetings

I pray that you’re encouraged by this short video that I just shot yesterday. Have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving! God is Good! All the time. God is Good!

In case you missed it, here’s another look at last year’s post 25 Reasons to Thank God Today and Every Day!

Many blessings to you!

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

Did this encourage you? Please hit “like” and don’t forget to sign up below to have my weekly encouraging blog posts e-mailed straight to you for free. When you subscribe below, you’ll also receive the free “12 Journal Writing Prompts” PDF I created to help inspire you as you write/journal.

button (24)For more encouragement and to learn how I can come alongside of you as your Life Coach or to invite me to speak at your event, visit my website www.aboundingfaith.com. You can also find me on YouTube and Pinterest.

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Giving Thanks!


I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving Day is already next week. Time is flying!

As I prepare for this upcoming holiday season, I would like to take a moment to thank you. Yes, You!

I am grateful to you for taking the time to read the words that I write here each week and for checking out my Facebook page, YouTube channel and my Pinterest boards.

Your words of encouragement and your “likes” and “shares” help to inspire me to keep writing and to keep sharing the different thoughts that God has placed on my heart.

I’m excited to see that people are visiting from all over the United States and from other countries. I’m so blessed that this blog is reaching “the nations”. If you’d like, please feel free to write where you’re from in the comments below.

I pray that you will have a wonderful and peaceful Thanksgiving and that you will never get tired of counting all your blessings from the Lord!

If you need some inspiration, please feel free to read this post from last year 25 Reasons to Thank God Today and Every Day!

Many blessings to you!

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

Did this encourage you? Please hit “like” and don’t forget to sign up below to have my weekly encouraging blog posts e-mailed straight to you for free. When you subscribe below, you’ll also receive the free “12 Journal Writing Prompts” PDF I created to help inspire you as you write/journal.

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For more encouragement and to learn how I can come alongside of you as your Life Coach or to invite me to speak at your event, visit my website www.aboundingfaith.com. You can also find me on YouTube and Pinterest.

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Lessons From Imperfect Nails


“I was admiring your nails from a distance,” said my colleague after a recent meeting.

What a nice compliment, right? But instead of saying, “Thank you,” I quickly blurted out something more like, “Oh, just keep admiring them from a distance. If you look closely, you’ll see how messy they are.” And I began to share all the flaws before she could spot them.

Stay with me. This incident is about more than simple nail polish or learning how to take a compliment. As I was having this conversation, I got a picture of what many of us do when we don’t want others to get close to us.

We try to keep people at a distance because we don’t want them to see how messy we can be. We want them to stay far away in hopes that they won’t discover our flaws.

Isn’t it sometimes easier to push people away instead of letting them see the real you? Especially if you feel like the real you is chipped, faded, or somehow missing the mark.

If you’re tired of hiding, may I suggest you:

Ask the Lord to show you who to trust. There are people around you who love you and want to get to know you better. The Lord will make them clear. Once He points them out, take step after step towards letting them into your world.

Be honest about your faults with trustworthy people. Chances are they probably can see your imperfections before you mention them or they can see them even clearer than you can. Pray and then take a risk and share with them some of what you’re struggling with. If they truly are your friends, they will love you even with your imperfections.

Remember that no one is perfect. Stop striving to be perfect in everything and in every way. We all make mistakes, we’re all learning, and as the Bible says we all sin and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). That means we all need a Savior! When we sin, we can ask Jesus for forgiveness and He is Faithful and just to forgive us (I John 1:9). We can also confess our sins to those trustworthy believers that God has placed in our lives (James 5:16). That helps to bring healing!

Be rooted and grounded in God’s love for you! He loves you. Plain and simple. He’s not surprised by your flaws and weaknesses. He loves you anyway. His Grace is enough to help you in your weak areas and to transform you into the image of His Son Jesus. Even if others reject you, God’s love remains.

The next time you’re tempted to shrink back and hide, I hope you’ll ask the Lord to give you courage to be transparent with others!

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:8)

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For more encouragement and to learn how I can come alongside of you as your Life Coach or to invite me to speak at your event, visit my website www.aboundingfaith.com. You can also find me on YouTube and Pinterest.

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

If You Could Chat with One Person from the Bible…


I thought I’d take a stab at answering one of the questions from the “12 Journal Writing Prompts” that I made especially for those of you who have signed up to have my blog posts e-mailed to you weekly. I’d love to hear your answer in the comments below or on Facebook.

If I Could Chat with One Person from the Bible (other than Jesus) it would be.


He’s been on my mind lately since I’ve been studying part of his story. I’d love to know how he had the faith to Believe God and leave everything behind and go to an unknown place.

What did he do during all those years of waiting and wondering?

What did he really think every time the Lord promised him that he would be the father of many nations? It must have seemed so far-fetched to him. So much so that he went along with the plan that Sarah hatched to help speed along their long-awaited heir.

And yet deep down, he still believed and he still waited. Now that is faith!

I’m sure he’d have fascinating stories to tell. What an interview it would be to speak with the Father of the Faithful!

Abraham’s story reminds us:

  • God is Faithful.
  • God Keeps His Word.
  • We can trust God no matter what.
  • Faith requires action even when we don’t have all the details.

What a beautiful legacy Abraham has left us. (Not familiar with his story? You can read about him in Genesis 12-25).

Now it’s your turn. Who would you like to chat with? Feel free to leave a comment or to join the conversation on Facebook.

Did this encourage you? Please hit “like” and don’t forget to sign up below to have my weekly encouraging blog posts e-mailed straight to you for free. When you subscribe below, you’ll also receive the free “12 Journal Writing Prompts” PDF I created to help inspire you as you write/journal.

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For more encouragement and to learn how I can come alongside of you as your Life Coach or to invite me to speak at your event, visit my website www.aboundingfaith.com. You can also find me on YouTube and Pinterest.

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. 

“Moving Beyond the Fog” Special Video

As some of you may know, I recently won Our Daily Breads Facebook Contest for Readers. I’m so honored and delighted to have won. I have been reading them for many years. Their inspirational words have encouraged me many times and their writing style has influenced me as well. They recently asked me to film a short-video to share at a staff meeting. I hope you enjoy the video. I’ve also included the devotional below. Blessings to you!

Moving Beyond the Fog

Read: Psalm 119:105-107

“Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105

Over the years, I’ve gotten accustomed to driving from New York City to Upstate New York to visit my sister and her family. Usually the ride over the Tappan Zee Bridge, which is the longest bridge in the state, is one of the most scenic parts of the trip. I love seeing the beautiful mountains and the Hudson River. But that wasn’t the case the day I got caught in a downpour and was blinded by fog. It was so thick that I couldn’t even see the cars beside me! All I could see were the taillights from the car directly in front of me, so I followed his lead until I safely crossed the bridge.

In our daily lives, how often do we get blinded by the fog of doubt, despair, discouragement, or disappointment? Something happens and we lose sight of God’s Word and His plan for our lives. We forget God’s promises and are tempted to give up in the middle of our journey. It’s in those moments that we need to cling to God and His Word. He will show us the way to go. His Word is “a light to [our] path” (Psalm 119:105), which helps lift the fog.

Jesus, the Good Shepherd, will guide, protect, and love us every step of the way.

Thank You, Lord, that even when we’re tempted to give up, You don’t give up on us! Help us to trust You and keep walking by faith and not by sight.

What seems foggy to us is crystal-clear to our all-knowing God.

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For more encouragement and to learn how I can come alongside of you as your Life Coach or to invite me to speak at your event, visit my website www.aboundingfaith.com. You can also find me on YouTube and Pinterest.

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


If A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words …

This week I’d like to let my pictures and the Bible verses do most of the talking. I hope that you will be blessed by these photos that I took during my vacation this summer. I pray that you will take time to stop and enjoy the Miraculous Lovely sights, sounds, and smells in your everyday life. They are a reminder of God’s Amazing Love for Us and a display of His Creative Hand at work!

PK Lake pic


PK Cross pic


PK Kayak

You can find more images like this on my Pinterest page.

Did this encourage you? Please hit “like” and be sure to sign up below to have my weekly encouraging blog posts e-mailed straight to you for free. When you subscribe below, you’ll also receive the free “12 Journal Writing Prompts” PDF I created to help inspire you as you write/journal.

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For more encouragement and to learn how I can come alongside of you as your Life Coach or to invite me to speak at your event, visit my website www.aboundingfaith.com. You can also find me on YouTube and Pinterest.

The Holy Bible, King James Version. Cambridge Edition: 1769; King James Bible Online, 2014. http://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/.

Celebrating Life!


Those who know me well have heard me say that I don’t just celebrate my birthday, I celebrate my birthmonth. Yes, the Roctober celebrations are in full swing. I’m enjoying dinner and dessert with my family and friends. I’m finding ways to pamper myself as well. Why limit the party to one day when you can celebrate all month long, right?

But along with rejoicing, I tend to get very pensive and do a lot of reflecting around my birthday. I take inventory of the highs and lows of the past year and then future focused me likes to plan and set goals for the upcoming year.

Trying to figure out the future though can fill anyone with worry, doubt or fear. That’s why I’m learning to not fret so much and to rest in knowing that God has everything under control.

The verse that comes to mind is found in Psalm 139. That’s one of my favorite Psalms and the verse I’m referring to is, “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:16)

Let’s stop and think about that for a moment. Before we were even born, God knew us. And before we ever took one breath on this earth, God had our lives all planned out. Nothing surprises God!

Sometimes we get so stressed trying to figure out God’s will for our lives or what our next step should be. We worry about missing God’s plan for our lives or get upset that we haven’t achieved certain goals yet. But as a dear friend recently reminded me, God is not limited by time.

I can be content and enjoy today because I know that I’m right where God wants me to be for now. I can praise God and celebrate what’s to come because I know that God has ordained beautiful things for my future.

The same is true for you! Continue following Jesus and let Him unfold His good plan for your life day by day.

Blessings to you! May you find plenty of reasons to laugh, smile, and sing today and every day.

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For more encouragement and to learn how I can come alongside of you as your Life Coach or to invite me to speak at your event, visit my website www.aboundingfaith.com. You can also find me on YouTube and Pinterest.

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.