He is Risen!

As you reflect on the life and death of Jesus and all His teachings, ministry and miracles, be super encouraged that we serve a risen Savior!

That’s the message of hope I’m sharing in this short and uplifting video I shot a few years ago. To find more short and encouraging videos shot here and abroad, visit Abounding Faith’s YouTube Channel by clicking here.

May you have a very blessed Holy Week! He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

“In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, ‘Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ” (Luke 24:5-7 NIV)


Reflections on Being Back at the Pulpit Upstate

What a delight and honor to preach and lead the service on a recent Sunday for my friends at Central Delaware Trinity Covenant! This was my fifth consecutive year ministering to this lovely congregation.

I could sorta kinda get used to being at the pulpit… but only as the Lord leads!

What a privilege to get to do everything from prayerfully choosing the bulletin cover and hymns to bringing the sermon, praying for the congregation and the offering and also greeting everyone on the way out!

Last time I was with this congregation it was the Christmas season. This time it was Lent. God is Good!

What a joy to get to minister at all three of Central Delaware Trinity Covenant’s beautiful churches over the years! What a blessing to be there in every season.

It was also a delight to get to see my friends and to celebrate Maple Day by enjoying a pancake breakfast at the local high school and visiting a few sap houses.

What a great way to ring in spring and close out Women’s History Month! I pray continued blessings to the Central Delaware Trinity Covenant congregation!

If you would like to invite me to speak at your church, school, conference, retreat or outreach event, etc., you can learn more by clicking here.

FYI, I have a few more exciting announcements coming up about different projects I’m working on so please stay tuned! God is Good!



Looking Back & Springing Forward – News About Abounding Faith’s Women’s Conference


I’m taking a moment to reflect on Abounding Faith’s Women’s Conference’s that have taken place in the spring.

As I look back at these smiling faces of just some of the lovely ladies who have attended Abounding Faith’s SOAR and Mighty Women of Valor conferences, I’m touched by the laughs and prayers and encouragement we’ve shared. We  know how to have a good time and how to enjoy great fellowship, food, prayer and wonderful prizes!

It’s odd to not have a conference this spring, but fear not. Ladies, this year Abounding Faith’s Women’s Conference will be held in October so please stay tuned. I’ll be sharing more details and info about Early Bird registration soon.

I appreciate your prayers as I plan for this year’s conference. It takes a village to host these events! If you’re interested in sponsoring the conference or volunteering at the event, please email info@aboundingfaith.com.

Now that it’s a new season, I’m working on a few projects. I’m looking forward to sharing more news with you.

Ladies and gents, if you’re being inspired by Abounding Faith’s books, events and more, I invite you to be part of this journey with me by becoming an Abounding Faith Dream Team member. You can learn more here.  It’s a great way to get involved in the work that God is doing through Abounding Faith. Let’s encourage people on their faith journey together!

Keep moving forward on your journey! Pray, Dream, Do and Repeat!

7th Article on Charisma Magazine’s Website

I’m delighted that SpiritLed Woman is running another one of my articles on Charisma Magazine’s website! God is Good.

Praying you’re encouraged by this article about waiting on God, which you can read by clicking here.

If you’d like to read my previous articles on Charisma Magazines’s website, you can find them by clicking here.

Be Encouraged. When you wait on God, it’s not in vain! Blessings!


Celebrating the Trio – Abounding Faith’s First 3 Books

I’m celebrating the Trio because Waiting on God Well, Abounding Faith and Crossing Your Jordan River were all released in March/April. God is Good!

I love looking back and reflecting on my launch events and seeing all those smiling faces! Each book has been a milestone for me. And I’m so grateful that God has allowed me to inspire others through through writing and speaking.

I’m still so touched to hear from readers who have been encouraged by the Trio. The Trio has encouraged Pastors, Pastors’ wives, chaplains, missionaries, ministry leaders and new believers.

The books are filled with Bible verses, insights I’ve learned along my faith journey, action step ideas and prayer prompts to help you keep moving forward on your faith journey.

I pray you’ll be inspired by the Trio and by my latest book, By Faith. May you be encouraged as you walk by faith and live your God-given dreams!

You can get all four books in print or on Kindle on Amazon and on Barnes & Noble’s website.

If these books have been a blessing to you, wonderful! Kind and short Amazon reviews are always welcome so others can find out about the Trio and be encouraged on their faith journey.

Thank you! Blessings!

Reflections on My Return Visit to Chapel at The Bowery Mission’s Women’s Center

“I’ve always wanted to meet the author!” That’s how one lady at The Bowery Mission’s Women’s Center welcomed me Thursday morning along with two big hugs! She’s read Crossing Your Jordan River and thanked me for writing it.

I’m so touched by her response. I went to be a blessing and God blessed and encouraged me as well!

My readers are the best!

It’s such a joy to get to encourage the lovely ladies at chapel.

It’s surreal to know my books are in their library. God is Good!

The ladies may be new each time I go there to minister, but I always feel welcome.

God is doing a beautiful work in the ladies’ lives.

I’m grateful for The Bowery Mission’s commitment to bringing hope and transformation to these women.

Continued blessings to my friends at The Bowery Mission! Learn more about their important work at www.bowery.org.

Abounding Faith – Encouragement as You Walk by Faith and Live Your God-Given Dreams! [VIDEO]

I’m thrilled to be able to share the short video above. It’s a snapshot of what God has allowed me to do these past couple of years through Abounding Faith.

I pray Abounding Faith’s books, events, podcast, online store, YouTube Channel and more encourage you on your faith journey!

I’ve waited a long time to be in this season. If it all stopped now, I would be content with all that the Lord has allowed me to accomplish so far.

But I get the feeling God has more in store! I appreciate your prayers and support.

I’m working on a few exciting projects.  I look forward to having more news to share with you soon. Thanks for staying tuned.

All the best to you on your faith journey. Don’t give up on your God-given dreams. Pray, Dream, Do and Repeat!

If you’d like to dream together, I invite you to become a member of Abounding Faith’s Dream Team. You can learn more by clicking here. Blessings!





The Filter – “Abounding Faith for Today Podcast” Season 2, Episode 6

I’m delighted to share the sixth and final episode of Season 2 of the “Abounding Faith for Today Podcast.” Be encouraged as you walk by abounding faith, hope and love and live your God-given dreams!  Today I’m sharing some of my favorite memories from my short-term missions trip to the Amazon Jungle in Brazil.

You can listen to this short and inspiring “Abounding Faith for Today Podcast” episode below or on iTunesSpotifyGoogle Podcasts or Stitcher.

For even more encouragement, pick up a copy of By Faith: Adventures and Reflections on Walking with God Here and Abroad on Amazon or Barnes & Noble’s website.

If you’re being blessed by the “Abounding Faith for Today Podcast,” please tell your friends, subscribe to the podcast and leave a kind rating on your preferred platform. Thanks! Blessings!

Reflections on My Return Visit to Speak at Nyack College’s Chapel

What a joy and honor it was to be back with my friends at Nyack College last Thursday!  What a blessing it was to chat with students at the Meet the Author time at Eastman Library and to once again minister at Chapel!

There is such a sweet spirit among the students and faculty there. I’m so grateful that Nyack gives me such a warm welcome.

These are just some of the lovely people I got to meet while on campus.

God is doing a beautiful work in the lives of the students at Nyack.

I’m praying God’s continued blessings on Nyack as they continue to shine the light for Christ in NYC!

I’m already looking forward to my next visit as the Lord leads!

If you would like to invite me to come speak at your church, chapel, school, conference, retreat, library or outreach event, you can learn more here. Blessings!

Moving Beyond the Fog – “Abounding Faith for Today Podcast” Season 2, Episode 5

I’m delighted to share the fifth episode of Season 2 of the “Abounding Faith for Today Podcast.” Be encouraged as you walk by abounding faith, hope and love and live your God-given dreams! Today I’m sharing my devotional that won Our Daily Bread‘s Online Writing Contest for Readers a few years back.

You can listen to this short and inspiring “Abounding Faith for Today Podcast” episode below or on iTunesSpotifyGoogle Podcasts or Stitcher.

For even more encouragement, pick up a copy of By Faith: Adventures and Reflections on Walking with God Here and Abroad on Amazon or Barnes & Noble’s website.

If you’re being blessed by the “Abounding Faith for Today Podcast,” please tell your friends, subscribe to the podcast and leave a kind rating on your preferred platform. Thanks! Blessings!