My year of “Surprises” continues to be a blessing, thank God!
It was an honor to be invited back by Nyack College to speak at Chapel and to be back at the pulpit leading the service for my friends at Central Delaware Trinity Covenant for the fifth year in a row!
It was also an honor to teach the Abounding Faith: Believing God for the Impossible summer class at the New York School of the Bible based on one of my books!
It was a delight to have my 8th article appear on Charisma‘s website.
I’m now working on Book 5 and gearing up for my third women’s conference. Abounding Faith’s BELOVED Women’s Conference will be in October. I’m thrilled to welcome back Nyack College as the Presenting Sponsor.
I’m looking forward to the surprises God has in store for the rest of 2019.
How is your year going?
Do you remember the “One Word” you chose at the beginning of the year? Are you remembering to Pray, Dream, Do & Repeat?
Are you seeing God’s faithfulness in your daily life? I sure hope so!
As we look ahead to the second half of 2019, I hope you will continue the year on fire for the Lord!
If you need a boost in your faith, Abounding Faith’s uplifting books, podcast, blog and YouTube channel are here to help spur you on as you live your God-given dreams.
I’d also be delighted to share a Bible-based message with your group and share the love and hope found in Jesus at your next retreat, chapel service, outreach or other event. Here’s a super short video that highlights some of the speaking and writing I’ve been called to do in this season of my life. You can also learn more here.
If you’re still feeling called to write a book, I’d be happy to help make that dream a reality. For a limited time, I’m offering a “Write that Book” Strategy Call to help guide you in your book writing journey. You can learn more here.
May the latter half of your year be even better than the first!
I hope to continue sharing more good news with you. Thanks for your encouragement and for staying on this journey with me.
Let’s make the rest of the year the best of our year!