Get Ready for Abounding Faith’s BELOVED Women’s Conference on 10/12

Beloved Ladies, you’re cordially invited to Abounding Faith’s BELOVED Women’s Conference on the morning of Saturday, October 12th. Learn more about this encouraging and empowering event, which is being sponsored by Nyack College, in this short video and register today by clicking here.


Be Encouraged and Empowered by Abounding Faith’s Uplifting Books and Events

Get to know about Abounding Faith’s inspiring books, events and more by watching the short video above.

Local Ladies, I’d be delighted to encourage you in person. Don’t miss Abounding Faith’s BELOVED Women’s Conference on the morning of Saturday, October 12! It’s going to be an empowering and uplifting time among your sisters in Christ of different ages, backgrounds and various churches.

* 1 lovely lady will win a partial scholarship to Nyack’s college, graduate school or seminary.

There will also be prizes from my friends at Our Daily Bread!

Hope to see you and your friends at this special time of fellowship for dynamic women in NYC! Register today by clicking here.


Almost Time for Abounding Faith’s BELOVED Women’s Conference!

Local Ladies, you are cordially invited to  Abounding Faith’s BELOVED Women’s Conference on the morning of Saturday, October 12. This encouraging and empowering event is designed to be an intimate and interactive gathering for dynamic women of different ages, backgrounds and from various churches in NYC.

Be refreshed by an uplifting and insightful Bible-based message and be renewed by this time of connecting and praying with your sisters in Christ and enjoying sweet fellowship over light breakfast.

You will be inspired and filled with hope as you walk by faith and live your God-given dreams!

*** 1 guest will win a partial scholarship to Nyack Colleges Seminary, College or Graduate School! Will it be YOU?

There will also be prizes from my friends at Our Daily Bread.

Come with your friends and small group members or solo and ready to make new friends.

Space is limited. Register today by clicking here.

Here’s a taste of some of the fun and fellowship we have at Abounding Faith’s Women’s Conferences.

Hope to see you at this year’s conference. Reserve your spot today.

Reflections on a Few Summer Surprises

The Lord saw it fit to surprise me this summer in a few ways including these opportunities (pictured above) to teach and speak.
I’m grateful for every opportunity I get to encourage and inspire groups as they walk by faith and live their God-given dreams!
It was a blessing to teach a summer class at the New York School of the Bible in June based on one of my books and then to teach a Life Skills class at The Bowery Mission’s Women’s Center in July based on another one of my books. It was also a delight to share testimonies at a local church and lead Chapel at The Bowery Mission’s Tribeca site.


God is so Good!


None of these speaking and teaching opportunities were on my calendar at the beginning of the year, but God already had them planned.


We just need to be available and willing. God knows what’s on the other side of our Yes!


I’m looking forward to continuing to share messages of hope with more groups.
Local Ladies, I’d love to encourage you at Abounding Faith’s BELOVED Women’s Conference! You can register here.
I’d also be delighted to share an uplifting Bible-based message at your church, school, conference, chapel service, retreat or outreach event. Your group will be inspired and filled with hope. Learn more here.
Thanks for your continued prayers and support! Blessings!


Reflections on Sharing Encouraging Testimonies at a Local Church

It was an honor to share an encouraging word with my friends at Eternal Hope Ministries for two Sundays in a row.

I was delighted when my friend Pastor Gary Fishman invited me to share a testimony at both of the services he was covering for my friends Pastors Peter and Margo Kemp.

Pastor Gary has been a strong prophetic voice and a great encourager to me in this season of my life. I’m also grateful for the Kemps’  friendship and prayers over the years.

It was a blessing to see my friends at this sweet congregation,  and to meet a few new friends.

God surprised me with these two ministry opportunities.

I’m looking forward to having more surprises to share very soon. God is Good!

I’m also looking forward to speaking to more groups. I’d be delighted to encourage and empower your group as they walk by faith and live their God-given dreams. Your group will be inspired and uplifted. To learn more about inviting me to your church, school, chapel, conference, retreat or outreach event, click here.

Local Ladies, I hope to see you at Abounding Faith’s BELOVED Women’s Conference in October. You can reserve your spot today by clicking here.


Want to know what’s happening at Abounding Faith? Sign up to get updates emailed to you. For a limited time, when you sign up you’ll also receive a FREE  “4 Steps to Living Your God-Given Dreams” Worksheet. Sign up today!

Reflections on Teaching at The Bowery Mission’s Women’s Center

“The Holy Spirit pours out of you! Not only when you’re praying, but as you’re speaking.” – Resident at The Bowery Mission’s Women’s Center

What an honor to get to teach a Life Skills class for my friends at The Bowery Mission’s Women’s Center!  It was a delight to get to teach a chapter from my latest book, By Faith: Adventures and Reflections on Walking with God Here and Abroad.    

The women were so gracious and receptive to what I was sharing.

The lady quoted above went on to say that normally she writes down one confirmation she gets from each speaker, but this time she couldn’t because there were too many to write down. Glory to God!

The ladies asked great questions and shared such kind feedback.

I felt so welcomed there, as usual. From the moment I arrived to right before I left, the ladies had such sweet things to say.

“I’m reading your book,” exclaimed one of the young ladies I bumped into while waiting to enter the building.  She went on to share that she had been preparing to interview for an internship and was worried that she wasn’t going to get the position. That’s when their Chaplain gave her a copy of Abounding Faith: 30 Bible Heroes Who Will Inspire You to Believe God for the Impossible. “It wasn’t a coincidence. I got the internship!” she said.

I’m so touched that my book encouraged her faith at just the right time.

It’s always a pleasure to inspire my friends at The Bowery. And guess what? I leave uplifted as well!

As we are a blessing to others, we also get blessed. God is Good!

I find it interesting that God has me teaching this summer and based on two of my books. That’s been a surprise to me, but not to God!

There’s a beauty in embracing the mystery and following God’s lead.

I look forward to sharing hope and encouragement with more and more groups.

I’d be delighted to encourage and empower your group as they walk by faith and live their God-given dreams. Your group will be inspired and uplifted. To learn more about inviting me to your church, school, chapel, conference, retreat or outreach event, click here

Abounding Faith’s inspiring books are available in print and on Kindle on Amazon.

To learn more about the important work The Bowery Mission is doing, click here.

Over the Moon: My Connection to Apollo 11

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the lunar landing, I’m proud to share that my Dad was a machinist who worked on parts for Apollo 11’s two capsules. It’s only recently that my Dad has begun sharing some of his fond memories of that time in his life. It’s been great hearing his stories about how dedicated and disciplined he and his co-workers were to make sure every part and every detail was just right for this historic mission.

My Dad had previously worked as a machinist for automobiles, helicopters and airplanes. He enjoyed some of those projects, but he’s still over the moon about having worked on parts for the lunar module.

My Dad became fascinated with space exploration during his teen years. He founded two mountain climbing clubs at his technical high school in Ecuador.  When he would reach the mountains’ summits, including the towering Cotopaxi volcano (more than 19,000 feet above sea level), the stars would really seem within reach.

Once he was in the United States and he had the opportunity to work on the lunar project, he says he was very excited.

My Dad recalls working 70 hours a week and how everything had to be super precise. He knew how to work basically any machine needed, so his supervisors loved that.

He was one of the youngest on his team and one of only two Hispanics.

My Dad worked on parts for the capsule that landed on the moon and the one that remained in orbit with the 3rd astronaut. He worked on the project for about 2 1/2 years.

He cheered when their mission was accomplished on July 20, 1969.

After the successful mission, work soon slowed down and my Dad eventually switched fields. He would go on to run a successful business for years and has been involved in community service (and has even met two or three Popes over the years) but he still beams when he talks about working on Apollo 11.

It was a blessing to get to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the lunar landing with my Dad at the Hall of Science.

Here’s what my Dad had to say on the historic anniversary:

“It was a privilege for me to work as a first class machinist building parts of the lunar module project, especially the capsule that circled around the moon and the capsule that took the astronauts from the cycling capsule onto the moon. Happy 50th Anniversary! Congratulations United States for conquering the moon. God bless America!”

He added that he felt like he was celebrating his own birthday. Sweet!

Growing up, I didn’t know I had a connection to Apollo 11. I’m so happy to now know that my Dad played a role in helping “The Eagle” soar and land on the moon.

I was also so touched to hear that upon landing on the moon and before even stepping out of the capsule, the first thing Buzz Aldrin did was take Communion.

It’s a great reminder that God is Good and Lord of all 🙌

“When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?” (Psalm 8:3-4 NIV)



Did this post encourage you? Get my weekly blog posts emailed to you for free by clicking here or the image below. When you sign up, you’ll also get access to the FREE Feisty Faith: Trusting God Day by Day 5-Day Sampler PDF as a free gift.

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.comThe “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

Prime Day to Get Uplifting Abounding Faith Books on Amazon

Abounding Faith Books make great additions to your Summer Reading list! These inspiring and uplifting reads will encourage, edify and empower you as you walk by faith and live your God-given dreams!

By Faith, Waiting on God Well, Abounding Faith and Crossing Your Jordan River have encouraged Pastors, Pastors’ wives, chaplains, missionaries and ministry leaders as well as those just starting out on their faith journey.

My prayer is that my books will continue to help bring hope to many here and abroad.

May you be inspired by the Bible verses, insights, action steps and prayers found in this faith-filled series of books.

Abounding Faith books are perfect to read on your own or with your small group or book club.

Waiting on God Well, Abounding Faith, Crossing Your Jordan River and By Faith are available in print and on Kindle on Amazon.

Blessings and Happy Amazon Prime Day!

**Kind and short Amazon reviews are much appreciated**

Mid-Year Check In for 2019

My year of “Surprises” continues to be a blessing, thank God!

It was an honor to be invited back by Nyack College to speak at Chapel and to be back at the pulpit leading the service for my friends at Central Delaware Trinity Covenant for the fifth year in a row!

It was also an honor to teach the Abounding Faith: Believing God for the Impossible summer class at the New York School of the Bible based on one of my books!

It was a delight to have my 8th article appear on Charisma‘s website.

I’m now working on Book 5 and gearing up for my third women’s conference.  Abounding Faith’s BELOVED Women’s Conference will be in October. I’m thrilled to welcome back Nyack College as the Presenting Sponsor.

I’m looking forward to the surprises God has in store for the rest of 2019.

How is your year going?

Do you remember the “One Word” you chose at the beginning of the year? Are you remembering to Pray, Dream, Do & Repeat?

Are you seeing God’s faithfulness in your daily life? I sure hope so!

As we look ahead to the second half of 2019, I hope you will continue the year on fire for the Lord!

If you need a boost in your faith, Abounding Faith’s uplifting books, podcast, blog and YouTube channel are here to help spur you on as you live your God-given dreams.

I’d also be delighted to share a Bible-based message with your group and share the love and hope found in Jesus at your next retreat, chapel service, outreach or other event. Here’s a super short video that highlights some of the speaking and writing I’ve been called to do in this season of my life. You can also learn more here.

If you’re still feeling called to write a book, I’d be happy to help make that dream a reality. For a limited time, I’m offering a “Write that Book” Strategy Call to help guide you in your book writing journey. You can learn more here.

May the latter half of your year be even better than the first!

I hope to continue sharing more good news with you. Thanks for your encouragement and for staying on this journey with me.

Let’s make the rest of the year the best of our year!



Reflections on Teaching the Abounding Faith Class at a Local Bible School

“Taking this course changed my life.” – Student, Abounding Faith: Believing God for the Impossible class

I’m still in awe of the beautiful feedback I got from the lovely ladies in my Abounding Faith: Believing God for the Impossible summer class at the New York School of the Bible (NYSB).

What a blessing it was to teach a class based on one of my books at the same Bible school I attended a few years ago!

It was a joy and honor to encourage my students to BELIEVE!

I’m overwhelmed by their feedback.

The same student quoted above said reading the Abounding Faith: 30 Bible Heroes Who Will Inspire You to Believe God for the Impossible devotional helped to awaken barren places in her life and helped her be content in other areas of her life.

Another student is hoping there will be an Abounding Faith Part 2 class.

To my delight, I kept gaining students as the weeks went on instead of losing students during the beautiful summer Saturdays in NYC.

I was stunned when one lady showed up during the last class and announced, “I’m prepared to fail this class because I haven’t been able to make it the other weeks, but I had to come to meet you. You were so vibrant on the phone.”

I’m speechless. The Lord loves to surprise me!

The women were sweet, smart and studious. We had lively and heartfelt discussions about the Bible heroes we covered in class and about what God was stirring in our hearts.

One student said that as she was reading the Abounding Faith book, she felt the Lord calling her to pursue her bachelor’s degree and get better prepared for her future ministry work. Amazing!

Others shared how they were encouraged by the Bible heroes they read about and were challenged  by the reflection questions in the Abounding Faith devotional.

I wasn’t sure what to expect from teaching a summer class on Saturday mornings in June. I didn’t know who would show up and how it would go, but God provided the students and met us in class each week.

I’ve been at podiums and pulpits at churches and chapel services lately.  I’m grateful that God saw it fit for me to reenter the classroom setting.

Back when I was a student in this very same room, I never dreamed that one day I’d return as a member of the faculty. I’m honored that the NYSB gave me this opportunity to teach a class based on one of my books.

I’m also honored to have gotten to inspire my faithful students.

Only God knows what’s next…. thank you for your prayers and encouragement!

If you’d like to get a copy of Abounding Faith: 30 Bible Heroes Who Will Inspire You to Believe God for the Impossible, you can find it in print or on Kindle on Amazon.

If you’d like to invite me to speak at your church, school, conference, chapel service or other event, you can learn more here.