Motivational Monday with Coach Nancy, Abounding Faith Coaching & Consulting

Hey Audacious Dreamers and Doers, we’ve made it to lovely fall and October!

We’re in the home stretch of 2022.

How has 2022 been treating you?

If you’ve been experiencing lots of wins and breakthroughs, wonderful!

If you’ve been hitting wall after wall and obstacle after obstacle, I’m here to remind you …

Don’t Quit!

Don’t give up on that dream God has placed on your heart.

Even if it’s taking longer than you expected.

I hope these Motivational Monday posts have been inspiring you! If so, I’d love to know.

And if you’ve been thinking about contacting me to be your Life Coach and to help you prayerfully reach your breakthrough, what are you waiting for?

Today is a great day to DM me on Abounding Faith’s Instagram.

If you’re feeling stuck or unsure about what to do in this season, now is a good time to get some help.

I’d be delighted to come alongside you and coach you to your breakthrough.

As your Life Coach, I’d be honored to help you gain the clarity, confidence and courage to say yes to God’s call on your life.

I can prayerfully help you:

  • Discover your God-given gifts and purpose
  • Develop a personalized action plan so you can use your unique giftings and skills to impact and inspire others
  • Dare to live your God-given dreams and purpose and experience that breakthrough you’ve been longing for

If you dream of writing a book, but you’ve hit a brick wall with your work in progress and need some guidance from someone who has been down those roads before, I’d be delighted to answer your burning questions and help you break through that specific area you’re struggling with.

Learn more about the “Write that Book” Strategy Call right here.

You don’t have to struggle all alone.

If you’re feeling:

  • Stuck, stagnant or scared as you try to figure out your next steps
  • Confused, unsure or frustrated about how to move forward
  • Discouraged, disillusioned or doubting God’s call on your life

I’d be delighted to help you go from:

  • frazzled to focused
  • frustrated to fruitful
  • fearful to fierce

Let’s SOAR together in this new season!

Be fierce. Be faithful. Be fruitful. Be who God is calling you to be!


Did this post encourage you? Get access to the FREE Feisty Faith: Trusting God Day by Day 5-Day Sampler PDF as a gift when you sign up for Abounding Faith’s email list. Get updates on Abounding Faith’s books, blog, podcast, life coaching and more by clicking here or the image below.

Writing Breakthroughs with Our Daily Bread Ministries

I’m delighted to share my first article for Our Daily Bread‘s Discovery Series has been published on their website.

I hope you’re encouraged by the “3 Keys to Help You on Your Faith Journey” article.

Please encourage others by sharing this link with them.

Thanks for your prayers and for sharing this link far and wide.

I’m also excited to share …

I’ve also written the entry for Day 3 of Our Daily Bread‘s new “Serving Together” online reading plan for Hispanic Heritage Month. You can find the 10-day reading plan on YouVersion and on Our Daily Bread‘s app.

It’s my first time being part of a YouVersion reading plan. I wrote about the late Luis Palau, who I had the pleasure of meeting twice in NYC (pic below).

Please also share the reading plan near and far.

This September marks eight years since I won Our Daily Bread‘s Online Writing Contest for Readers (pic below).

That was such a delight and honor and such confirmation that I was on the “write” track with my writing career after my journalism days.

I’m thrilled that I’m now a contributing writer for Our Daily Bread‘s VOICES Collection and have written entries for their Rhythms of Rest devotional book and their On the Shoulder of Giants devotional booklet.

I’ve even done some marketing writing for ODB.

Only God could do all that!

I appreciate you staying on this faith journey with me!

I look forward to having more writing news to share with you soon. Blessings!


Did this post encourage you? Get access to the FREE Feisty Faith: Trusting God Day by Day 5-Day Sampler PDF as a gift when you sign up for Abounding Faith’s email list. Get updates on Abounding Faith’s books, blog, podcast, life coaching and more by clicking here or the image below.

Celebrating Writing Breakthrough

I’ve wanted to write for Our Daily Bread since before I won their Online Writing Contest for Readers in 2014. After years of praying and preparing … I’m thrilled to be a contributing writer for Our Daily Bread‘s VOICES Collection’s popular Rhythms of Rest and On the Shoulders of Giants devotionals. Thank you for your continued prayers and support! Let’s see what the Lord does next … to God be the Glory!

I’ve got great news to share about the special On the Shoulders of Giants devotional. It’s already their most successful Black History devotional! They’ve distributed more than 50,000 copies already and have back orders for more. God is Good!

You can still order FREE printed booklets here.

You can now also sign up for the online version here.

If you’re already reading through the devotional this month, let me know in the comments. And if you find my entry, I hope you’re blessed. P.S. My entry is on Wednesday, February 9.


Did this post encourage you? Get access to the FREE Feisty Faith: Trusting God Day by Day 5-Day Sampler PDF as a gift when you sign up for Abounding Faith’s email list. Get updates on Abounding Faith’s books, blog, podcast, life coaching and more by clicking here or the image below.

Musing on Writing and Season 2 of “The Chosen” TV Series

I finally started watching Season 2 of “The Chosen” the other day. It’s so great how they showed John feeling compelled to interview the others and to write, record, journal and document their memories and experiences and insights and thoughts after having been with Jesus .. I can sooo relate…. that’s what compels me to communicate the love of God through books and blog posts and social media posts and podcast episodes and YouTube videos and at in-person and virtual events and here and abroad, etc … (including pre-pandemic on street corners, subways and plazas in other countries, sometimes even in broken Spanish)… Oh my…

And over the years to family, friends, strangers, Bible college and Bible school students, United Nations workers, women in shelters, nursing home residents, the homeless, those young and older, men and women and children and teens …


Because I’m called to tell others …

“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” (Psalm 34:8 NIV)

On a related note, I guess it’s also why I’ve enjoyed documenting and sharing stories and memories about my Dear Dad …

Writers WRITE. Communicators SPEAK. Reporters REPORT.

They also record & document and share memories… it’s what I do and how I’m wired. Thanks for staying on this faith journey with me!

Looking forward to sharing some updates with you soon about different projects I’m working on. In the meantime, you can read about some of my past experiences in By Faith: Adventures and Reflections on Walking With God Here and Abroad available on Amazon.

You can also check out the NEW and short Abounding Faith Books video right below.


Did this post encourage you? Get access to the FREE Feisty Faith: Trusting God Day by Day 5-Day Sampler PDF as a gift when you sign up for Abounding Faith’s email list. Get updates on Abounding Faith’s books, blog, podcast, life coaching and more by clicking here or the image below.

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.comThe “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

3 Ways to Make the Rest of the Year the Best of Your Year

God’s plan for your life hasn’t changed. Even in 2020, the rest of your year can be the best of your year. If you need help moving forward by faith, here are three great options for you:

Keep Learning

If you’re yearning to live with passion and purpose, you’re invited to take the “Discovering Your God-Given Purpose” online course. This short and easy-to-follow online course will help empower, equip and encourage you as you discover and live out the call of God on your life. You can take the inspiring course at your own pace and from the comfort of your home. Learn more here.

Don’t Go it Alone

Feel stuck in a rut or confused about your next steps?  If you need help going from:

  • frazzled to focused
  • frustrated to fruitful
  • fearful to fierce

I’d be delighted to be your life coach to prayerfully help bring breakthrough, transformation and change to your life as well as:

  • Confidence
  • Confirmation
  • Clarity
  • Courage

You can learn more about personalized life coaching here.

Get Writing

Are you feeling called to honor God through writing a book but have gotten stuck along the way? As I gear up to release Book 5, there are lots of lessons I’ve learned over the years. I’d like to help you advance in your writing journey. If you’ve hit a brick wall with your work in progress and need some guidance from someone who has been down those roads before, I’d be delighted to answer your burning questions. For a limited time, I’m offering a “Write that Book” 1-hour strategy call so we can work together to uncover what is hindering and keeping you stuck with your current book project and map out a way for you to continue moving forward. Learn more here.

Don’t lose heart. God will see us through these tough times.

I’m cheering you on and would be thrilled to help you take steps towards your God-given dreams! Blessings!

5 Divine Declarations to Help You Fight Your Coronavirus Fears – My Latest Article for Charisma


I’m delighted to share this link to my latest article on Charisma‘s website. I pray your faith is fueled by “5 Divine Declarations to Help You Fight Your Coronavirus Fears.”

God is still on the throne and in control!

Abounding Faith is here to help spur you on as you walk by abounding faith, hope and love and live your God-given dreams. For more encouragement and inspiration, visit for links to inspiring books, podcast episodes, videos and more.

Stay well. Stay encouraged. Blessings!


Want to know what’s happening at Abounding Faith? Join the mailing list and get updates about Abounding Faith’s books, events, podcast and more. As a thank you, you’ll get access to the free “7 Journal Writing Prompts to Fuel Your Faith” PDF.

Ready to Live Your God-Given Dreams?

Don’t you love how a new year is filled with possibilities? What are you hoping to accomplish this year?

Perhaps you’re an Audacious Dreamer and Doer who feels stuck or fears you’re dreams are too out of reach.

I know how discouraging and overwhelming that can be 🙋🏻‍♀️ But there is hope!

Are you:

  • Looking to discover the unique call God has placed on your life?
  • Struggling because your God-given dreams seem too daunting or too impossible to achieve?
  • Tired of feeling stuck and desire to make positive changes in your life?

If you’re ready to move forward and take the steps needed to enter into that next chapter of your life, I’d be delighted to be you Life Coach.

As your personal Christian Life Coach, I would help you:

  • Discover the unique giftings and calling God has placed on your life.
  • Identify what living out your God-given dreams could actually look like.
  • Uncover roadblocks that may be stopping you from advancing.
  • Map out a plan designed to help you cross over into your Promised Land.
  • I would hold you accountable to your goals and encourage and pray for you along the way.

Ready to get started? Wonderful! You can learn more about Private Life Coaching by clicking here.

If you are feeling called to honor God by writing a book but you’ve hit a brick wall with your work in progress and need some guidance from someone who has been down those roads before, I’d be delighted to answer your burning questions and help you break through that specific area you’re struggling with.

For a limited time, I’m offering a “Write that Book” 1-hour strategy call so we can work together to uncover what is hindering and keeping you stuck with your current book project and map out a way for you to continue moving forward. 

I’m working on my fifth book, I have a master’s degree in journalism from New York University and I have written for various publications including The New York Times and Charisma’s website. I look forward to sharing some of my expertise with you so you can make major progress with your book in 2020.  

Learn more about the “Write Your Book” strategy call here.   

You don’t have to go it alone. Let’s SHINE together!

Blessings as you walk by abounding faith, hope and love and live your God-given dreams!


Want to know what’s happening at Abounding Faith? Join the mailing list and get updates about Abounding Faith’s books, events, podcast and more.

Prime Day to Get Uplifting Abounding Faith Books on Amazon

Abounding Faith Books make great additions to your Summer Reading list! These inspiring and uplifting reads will encourage, edify and empower you as you walk by faith and live your God-given dreams!

By Faith, Waiting on God Well, Abounding Faith and Crossing Your Jordan River have encouraged Pastors, Pastors’ wives, chaplains, missionaries and ministry leaders as well as those just starting out on their faith journey.

My prayer is that my books will continue to help bring hope to many here and abroad.

May you be inspired by the Bible verses, insights, action steps and prayers found in this faith-filled series of books.

Abounding Faith books are perfect to read on your own or with your small group or book club.

Waiting on God Well, Abounding Faith, Crossing Your Jordan River and By Faith are available in print and on Kindle on Amazon.

Blessings and Happy Amazon Prime Day!

**Kind and short Amazon reviews are much appreciated**

Mid-Year Check In for 2019

My year of “Surprises” continues to be a blessing, thank God!

It was an honor to be invited back by Nyack College to speak at Chapel and to be back at the pulpit leading the service for my friends at Central Delaware Trinity Covenant for the fifth year in a row!

It was also an honor to teach the Abounding Faith: Believing God for the Impossible summer class at the New York School of the Bible based on one of my books!

It was a delight to have my 8th article appear on Charisma‘s website.

I’m now working on Book 5 and gearing up for my third women’s conference.  Abounding Faith’s BELOVED Women’s Conference will be in October. I’m thrilled to welcome back Nyack College as the Presenting Sponsor.

I’m looking forward to the surprises God has in store for the rest of 2019.

How is your year going?

Do you remember the “One Word” you chose at the beginning of the year? Are you remembering to Pray, Dream, Do & Repeat?

Are you seeing God’s faithfulness in your daily life? I sure hope so!

As we look ahead to the second half of 2019, I hope you will continue the year on fire for the Lord!

If you need a boost in your faith, Abounding Faith’s uplifting books, podcast, blog and YouTube channel are here to help spur you on as you live your God-given dreams.

I’d also be delighted to share a Bible-based message with your group and share the love and hope found in Jesus at your next retreat, chapel service, outreach or other event. Here’s a super short video that highlights some of the speaking and writing I’ve been called to do in this season of my life. You can also learn more here.

If you’re still feeling called to write a book, I’d be happy to help make that dream a reality. For a limited time, I’m offering a “Write that Book” Strategy Call to help guide you in your book writing journey. You can learn more here.

May the latter half of your year be even better than the first!

I hope to continue sharing more good news with you. Thanks for your encouragement and for staying on this journey with me.

Let’s make the rest of the year the best of our year!



8th Article on Charisma’s Website!


I’m delighted that SpiritLed Woman is running my 8th article on Charisma‘s website! God is Good! Praying this article encourages ladies and gents.

To read “3 Quick Keys to True Transparency,” click here.

If you’d like to read my previous articles on Charisma‘s website, you can type in may name in the author section here.
