I’m delighted to share the introduction to my third book Crossing Your Jordan River: How to Possess and Prosper in Your Promised Land! I pray it encourages you. You can get your copy in print or on Kindle on Amazon. Kind and short reviews are always appreciated! Blessings!
I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses. (Joshua 1:3)
Anyone who knows me really well has gotten at least one email from me where I’ve finished the message by signing my first name as well as “Joshua.”
There must have been something about Joshua’s courage that caught my attention. When I was asked to co-lead and launch an Adult Bible Fellowship group for the young adults at my home church at the time, I boldly chose the name Joshua Generation.Anyone who knows me really well has gotten at least one email from me where I’ve finished the message by signing my first name as well as “Joshua.”
I’m not sure when I started looking up to Joshua, the heroic leader from the Bible. I don’t recall hearing about him while I was growing up. As an adult, my senior pastor of more than a decade did preach quite often about Joshua and how he bravely led the Israelites across the Jordan River and into the Promised Land.
Joshua’s story fascinates me. He served as a trusted aide to the one and only Moses. Joshua was among the 12 leaders that Moses sent as spies to explore Canaan. He and Caleb were the only two men who came back with an encouraging report. They believed God would give them the victory over their enemies, but the Israelites refused to believe them and wanted to stone Joshua and Caleb. As a result of their unbelief and rebellion against God, the Israelites had to wander around the wilderness for forty years. Joshua and Caleb were the only ones from their generation to survive. Amazingly, God handpicked Joshua as Moses’ successor!
Joshua had the extreme honor of leading God’s people across the Jordan River on dry ground, and he got to live in the Promised Land. Glory!
I love how, after a long wait, God came through for Joshua!
I humbly say that when I read most of Joshua 1, I feel like God is speaking directly to me. I’ve read Joshua 1 over and over again throughout the years. That first chapter always helps to fuel my faith.
The Lord burned Joshua 1:3 (see previous page) in my heart during my visit to Israel in 2007. I was a bit scared to travel to the Holy Land with my mom. News reports never make Israel sound like a prime vacation destination. After much prayer, we had peace about going. That trip was a life-changing adventure. The Bible came to life in 3-D. I am still in awe of having the privilege of walking where Jesus walked and ministered. I came back knowing that if God could protect me while in Israel, He could keep me safe wherever I traveled in the world. It was during that trip that I felt the call to evangelism on my life.
A few years later when it was time to go to Africa on a short-term missions trip to Ethiopia, I was again scared, and once more the Lord used verses from Joshua to calm my fears. I stood on the promises in verse 9: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
God had a woman from my church quote that verse to me while praying for my trip, and He even had my young niece recite that verse to me, and my little nephew sing a song about Joshua 1:9 to me during our video call just days before my departure. Ah, I love it when God speaks to me in surround sound!
Joshua 1:3 and 1:9 also give me boldness whenever I go on evangelism outreaches or step out in faith in different areas of my life.
I share all this because Joshua is a friend from the Bible who is near and dear to my heart. I’m always encouraged by his story in the Old Testament. I pray that you are inspired too.
I’ve mentioned parts of Joshua’s story in my books Waiting on God Well: How to Prevent Breaking Down on Your Way to Your Breakthrough and Abounding Faith: 30 Bible Heroes Who Will Inspire You to Believe God for the Impossible!
I guess it’s no surprise that I would choose his life as the backdrop for this book. I’m going to be sharing lessons from Joshua’s life to help you cross your Jordan River, face the walls of Jericho in your life, and enter into your land flowing with milk and honey so you can prosper in your Promised Land.
I’ll also be sharing updates about my faith journey and insights I’ve learned since writing my first two books.
Joshua went from being Moses’ assistant to being a victorious warrior who valiantly led the Israelites to possess their inheritance. How did he do it? How can we live victorious Christian lives?
Joshua’s success didn’t happen instantly. God took His time preparing Joshua. God will take His time preparing you for the blessings He has for you and the call that He has placed on your life.
What would have happened if Joshua would have given in to despair during those forty years of wandering in the wilderness? What will happen if you give up on your journey?
God proved faithful to Joshua. And God will be faithful to you.
Don’t stop short of your Promised Land! I pray this book will give you keys to help you step into your God-given passion and purpose so you can experience the abundant life that Jesus promised you (John 10:10) and live your God-given dreams!
Blessings to you as you take one step of faith at a time and triumphantly cross over into the next chapter of your life! Then you can rejoice like Joshua did at the end of his life and declare, “You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed” (Joshua 23:14).
Crossing Your Jordan River: How to Possess and Prosper in Your Promised Land is available in print and on Kindle on Amazon.
© Copyright 2017 Abounding Faith All rights reserved. No unauthorized use permitted.
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For more encouragement, read my books Waiting on God Well: How to Prevent Breaking Down on Your Way to Your Breakthrough and Abounding Faith: 30 Bible Heroes Who Will Inspire You to Believe God for the Impossible! To learn how I can come alongside of you as your Life Coach or to invite me to speak at your event, visit my website www.aboundingfaith.com. Check out Abounding Faith’s online store here. You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest.
THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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I’m an author, speaker, life coach, Bible school instructor and evangelist who wants to encourage and inspire you as you walk by abounding faith, hope and love and dare to live your God-given dreams! I’m also an author for Our Daily Bread. My NEW book God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress) is available wherever books are sold.
My books Feisty Faith, By Faith, Crossing Your Jordan River, Waiting on God Well and Abounding Faith are available on Amazon. To learn more about Abounding Faith’s books, coaching, the Abounding Faith for Today podcast, online store, YouTube channel and more, visit AboundingFaith.com. Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community today right here. Blessings!