There’s no way to fully describe all the mixed emotions I’ve felt during this part of the pandemic. I won’t even try. But I have been chronicling some of my thoughts. The reporter in me had to document some of the happenings. Here are a few excerpts from my online journal entries. It’s just a glimpse of what these past weeks have been like. Many blessings to you and yours. God will continue to see us through day by day! For more encouragement during this trying time, visit Abounding Faith’s Fuel Your Faith page that’s filled with encouraging videos, articles, podcast episodes and images to help spur you on during this pandemic:
March 26
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood to venture out wearing a mask and gloves? Yup. I finally wore a mask and plastic gloves to run errands… I didn’t want people to stare at me funny or to think I’m paranoid. Guess what… just about everyone else was wearing a mask too. So I fit in!
The news about the temporary morgues going up was startling .. the bright side is the rate of the spreading is supposedly slowing so the social distancing seems to be working. Thank God! The peak is now about 21 days away.
Let’s continue choosing faith over fear.
God will see us through!
Prayers and hugs to you all. Stay well. Stay encouraged. Blessings 🙏
March 29
I’ve never been a big fan of roller coasters. And if given the choice, I don’t joyfully hop into the front row. I don’t like inching up to the top of the first peak nor plunging down the first steep drop. It’s just not my thing.
Alas, we have a front seat on this crazy pandemic ride.
There’s a mix of emotions… if I’m not mistaken, the grim reality is the state’s total death rate is supposed to hit a staggering 1,000 as soon as possibly tomorrow…
On the brighter side, the rate of spread has gone from doubling like every 3 or 4 days to every 6 days
And thankfully help is on the way! The cavalry also arrives tomorrow in the form of extra hospitals and workers.
God is Good. God has not forsaken us. We may not be perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but God loves us.
I’m touched by all those who are praying and helping during this time of great need.
As we brace for a rough week(s) ahead, I’m praying for you. You’re also on this roller coaster.
We’re in this together, United States of America. God bless and have mercy on the USA and the world. Christ Loves the Nations.
Have a blessed week! Stay well. Stay encouraged. Choose faith over fear. Blessings!
April 2
What was weird and strange just a week ago is now the new normal. Local friends, please use even a simple face covering when you’re out in public.
And friends outside of the state, take note … as the Gov. said today, this virus is gonna march through the country …
Stay well. Stay encouraged. Choose faith in God over fear. Blessings to you and yours.
April 3
Ever accidentally go over a giant pothole and get so upset that you make it your mission to warn your family and friends (and anyone else who will listen) to avoid that street or road like the, um, plague …
Multiply that by about a million and that’s sorta kinda how I feel watching the rest of the country following our path … there’s an eerie lag time of a few days/weeks that I can spot through Facebook posts …
The toilet paper started flying off the shelves here and then a week or two later I saw friends in other states posting about similar situations. Same thing with the gradual social distancing and staying indoors and now the face covers, etc…
Not to mention the rise in cases, etc …
It’s kinda like I’m ramming into the nightmare potholes first and then trying to warn others, but am not able to prevent them from encountering the same potholes.
Kinda like how Italy tried to warn the U.S. …
If these notes can help others prepare and brace for what may be headed their way, I’ll keep sharing them as the Lord leads. This writer/reporter has also gotta chronicle (and process) what in the world is going on …
As I write this, we’re getting dangerously close to hitting a staggering 3,000 deaths in the state … mercy!
On a brighter side, it’s still heartwarming to see how companies, celebs and regular folks are stepping up to help. There are always blessings to count! Yes, God is Good!
May we continue to pray and praise as God sees us through to the other side of this … May we draw closer to God as a result.
Stay well. Stay encouraged. Choose faith in God over fear. Blessings to you and yours!
April 7
The good news is that the rate of hospitalizations seems to have leveled off. Thank God!
The awful news is that we had our largest single day increase of deaths… including a sweet lady I knew from my previous church. She is at home with Jesus now.
We also crossed the 5,000 mark in total deaths.
Can we get off this pandemic roller coaster now?
Amid all the chaos and confusion, I hope you are still finding reasons to smile and still finding blessings to count.
God is in Control. God will see us through.
Thanks for your prayers! Blessings to you and yours.
Stay well. Stay encouraged. God is Good 🙌
April 11
We have reached the apex and have plateaued, according to the Governor. Glory to God! Thank you Jesus! And thank you to everyone who is praying! On this Holy Weekend, this is something extra to celebrate!
On the downside, the Gov says we are stabilizing at a horrific rate…
People are still getting infected and going to the hospital but at a lower rate of increase so … what are we to do? Keep praying and as the Gov said, “We stay the course.” We don’t want a second wave to hit.
God is seeing us through. God is speaking, I hope you’re taking time to listen to Him by praying and reading your Bible.
Stay safe. Stay encouraged. God is Good! Have a very blessed weekend.
April 12
On this Resurrection Sunday, my heart is filled with hope! God is seeing us through this pandemic. God is Good!
May God continue giving us the grace and strength for each day. May we continue praying and praising our way through.
Stay safe. Stay encouraged. God is Good! Blessings!
April 13
Amid the joy of seeing the curve flattening, let’s pause for a moment… we’ve reached a sobering milestone today .. we have lost 10,056 people to the virus so far … every number has a name and face and family and friends .. let’s continue to remember the families in our prayers.
While many are recovering, Praise God, we need to keep praying and stay the course.
Social distancing and prayers are making a difference!
I trust there will be many testimonies from people who are recovering and being healed.
Blessings to you as you continue to stay home and practice social distancing to help save lives.
Stay safe. Stay encouraged. God is Good! Blessings!
April 16
We’ve reached an interesting spot in our pandemic roller coaster ride.
On the one hand, on Monday the Gov. said the worst is over for us as long as we continue to act smart and stay the course. Praise God! And Tuesday he said our healthcare situation is stabilized and the rate of infection is down to a manageable number. We’re at the point where we can start sending coveted ventilators to other states. Beautiful!
On the other hand, the Gov. is cautioning us that we’re not out of the woods yet. People are still being infected, the death toll has crossed 11,000 and now there’s an executive order that we should wear a face covering when out in public and not able to maintain 6 feet of distance from others.
We’re building a bridge to tomorrow, according to the Gov. We’re not going to the same place we were, but to a new normal and a better place …
It’s gonna be messy and bumpy and gonna take time. God will see us through every step of the way! God promises to work all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes (Romans 8:28).
May we continue to pray and praise our way through this trial in the name of Jesus!
God promises to turn our tears into dancing (Psalm 30:11) and that joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). Amen 🙌
April 19
“We are past the high point,” according to the Gov. “Right now we are on a descent.”
What a relief that we’re no longer inching up the roller coaster or mountain, but slowly working our way down and seeing the numbers coming down!
“We just pray to God that it remains down on the other side,” said the Gov.
Amen 🙏 God is Good!
We still need to stay the course. The Gov. says we still have a long way to go. Yesterday some 1,300 people tested positive and were hospitalized with the virus.
“This is only halftime,” said the Gov.. We have a whole second phase to go through.
Let’s stop and pray and praise God from the halftime of this awful pandemic 🎉
And let’s continue to pray and praise our way through this trial 🙌
Blessings to you and yours!
Stay well. Stay encouraged. Choose faith over fear. 🙏
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I’m an author, speaker, life coach, Bible school instructor and evangelist who wants to encourage and inspire you as you walk by abounding faith, hope and love and dare to live your God-given dreams! I’m also an author for Our Daily Bread. My NEW book God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress) is available wherever books are sold.
My books Feisty Faith, By Faith, Crossing Your Jordan River, Waiting on God Well and Abounding Faith are available on Amazon. To learn more about Abounding Faith’s books, coaching, the Abounding Faith for Today podcast, online store, YouTube channel and more, visit AboundingFaith.com. Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community today right here. Blessings!