Has it really been 10 YEARS since I stepped out in faith and released my very first book Waiting on God Well: How to Prevent Breaking Down on Your Way to Your Breakthrough! (Available on Amazon).
You’re probably more familiar with my recent work.
Before I was an author with NavPress and the Our Daily Bread devotional, I was a journaler turned journalist turned author.
If you’re familiar with my story, you know I was the little girl writing in her diary. I was the 5th grader making mini-magazines at home and dreaming of writing for magazines. I reluctantly became the Editor in Chief of my high school newspaper my senior year. I went on to major in journalism in college, earn my master’s degree in journalism from NYU and work as a journalist.
But I grew further and further from God.
And I definitely wasn’t thinking about writing a book(s).
I was working at a national women’s magazine when I felt God calling me to follow Him. Soon after, I felt God calling me to lay down my journalism career.
My writing went into hiding for years.
I thought the only way I could use my writing gift in a church setting was to write encouraging notes to members of our small group.
I was content with that.
But God had a plot twist for me.
When I took a class about spiritual gifts, I realized I was using my spiritual gift of exhortation (encouragement) when I was writing those Care notes and making Care calls.
And my teacher connected that my spiritual gift of evangelism complimented my journalism background.
But how?
That’s been part of my long and winding faith journey.
I wasn’t following any road map or guru.
I was just praying and obeying and taking one faith step at a time.
As I grew in my faith, served in various ministries at churches, participated and led evangelism outreaches and went on five short-term missions trips to five countries, as well as went to Bible school, the Lord kept leading me to write and speak for His glory.
I shared some thoughts and reflections that I felt God was showing me with a few friends. I was a bit surprised to see how the insights and lessons I was sharing were resonating with them.
Really? I thought those lessons and musings were just for me.
I didn’t realize others could benefit from reading some of the lessons I felt God was showing me.
I really struggled with how I could honor God with my writing gift and skills.
That frustration of wanting to do all that God’s called me to do weighed on me.
I’d pray and seek wise counsel from mature Christians like my Mom and my Senior Pastor and other ministry leaders.
I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was to WRITE.
A prophetic pastor even mentioned he saw me writing books.
But what should I write about?
I felt peace about launching this very blog in 2013 where I celebrate the Miraculous Lovely moments in life and invite you to taste and see that the Lord is good.
All these years later, I still blog because I enjoy the freedom of sharing my thoughts, ponderings, insights and updates here.
As I continued to ponder what God might want me to write about in a book, God had to spell it out in a giant ad campaign around town.
Write Your Story
Oh! Private and introverted me wasn’t expecting that.
I didn’t have delusions of grandeur.
I didn’t have connections with authors or agents or publishers.
I just wanted to follow God’s plan for my life.
My Senior Pastor once said to me, “God will write your story and you will tell it.”
I had facilitated many small groups and Bible classes by that point in my church and saw that my words were encouraging people.
So I finally started putting pen to paper and then fingers on the keyboard to start writing an ebook.
Yes, an ebook felt like the only attainable goal at the time.
And when a few people started asking about getting a signed copy of my book (huh?) I prayerfully took steps to create a printed copy of my very first book.
The process was a stressful one (just like launching this blog), but God’s grace was with me.
What a blessing and delight it was to celebrate the launch of Waiting on God Well with my family and friends in March 2015!
I still remember that day fondly. It really was a breakthrough moment for me.
Next came my (now late) Senior Pastor inviting me before the congregation. He gave my book a glowing review and said, “Everyone should have a copy of Waiting on God Well where they keep their Bible because of all the Bible verses it has in it.”
He let me speak about my book and asked the Elders to pray for me.
I was also interviewed on a local television show and was asked to speak to different groups.
Some of the sweetest moments have been interacting with my Readers.
I was so moved when I saw many of the ladies at our church’s women’s retreat reading my book that year. I even saw one gal wiping away tears and stopping to pray and ponder as she quietly read each page of Waiting on God Well.
It’s also been moving to see how my books have encouraged ministry leaders, pastors’ wives, Christian counselors, Christian college and Bible school students and many more.
I was already working on Abounding Faith: 30 Bible Heroes Who Will Inspire You to Believe God for the Impossible! (Book 2, available on Amazon).
Back then, I knew God had much in store for me. He was calling me to keep moving forward.
I need to pause and praise God for so many breakthroughs and milestones that have taken place this decade including:
- 5 indie books
- 1 traditionally published book with NavPress
- Being an Our Daily Bread Author
- Being a Bible school instructor
Only God could do that!
These years have been tough though.
It’s included a lot of prayer, much hard work, many challenges and obstacles and my Dear Dad being promoted to heaven.
My Dear Dad was one of my biggest supporters. He loved seeing my books and watching me speak at my events.
I’m so grateful to God that my Dear Dad got to see much of the fruit and harvest from my Kingdom work.
I’m still waiting on God for some breakthroughs.
Aren’t we all?
That’s the beauty of knowing how to Wait on God well.
We’re all waiting on God for healing or breakthrough or restoration or the salvation of a loved one, and even Jesus’ return!
It’s so important how we wait.
If Waiting on God Well has helped you in your seasons of waiting, I’d love to know. Please leave a kind review and rating on Amazon or Goodreads and feel free to let me know on Abounding Faith’s social media.
Thanks for staying on this faith journey with me!
I appreciate you helping to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Waiting on God Well and the 1st Anniversary of my very first traditionally published book God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress, which is available wherever books are sold.)
I’ll be sharing some lessons I’ve learned from being an indie author and traditionally published author in upcoming posts, on social media and in episodes of my Abounding Faith for Today podcast (available wherever you get your podcasts). Please stay tuned.
Enjoy this short video with snapshots of this past decade.
I’m also celebrating this writing milestone in Episode 69 of my Abounding Faith for Today podcast that’s available wherever you get your podcasts.
To God be the Glory!
Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community to get updates about different projects I’m working and to get encouragement sent straight to your inbox. Sign up right here and get access to the FREE “Discovering Your God-Given Dream Checklist” today!
I’m an author, speaker, life coach, Bible school instructor and evangelist who wants to encourage and inspire you as you walk by abounding faith, hope and love and dare to live your God-given dreams! I’m also an author for Our Daily Bread. My NEW book God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress) is available wherever books are sold.
My books Feisty Faith, By Faith, Crossing Your Jordan River, Waiting on God Well and Abounding Faith are available on Amazon. To learn more about Abounding Faith’s books, coaching, the Abounding Faith for Today podcast, online store, YouTube channel and more, visit AboundingFaith.com. Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community today right here. Blessings!