Reflecting on My BREAKTHROUGH Year – 2024

I’m so GRATEFUL to God for this BREAKTHROUGH Year!

So much happened this year. Was it perfect? Nope. But I experienced so many wonderful milestone moments. I’d like to share some of the highlights with you in this blog post, in the short video (above) or right here and in Episode 65 of the Abounding Faith for Today podcast that’s available wherever you listen to podcasts.

7 Highlight from this Breakthrough Year:

God-Given Dreams Book Launch – What an honor and joy it was to celebrate the launch of my very first traditionally published book in March! I’m so grateful for the family, friends and Readers who helped me celebrate this God-given dream come true and major writing milestone. The first half of the year was a whirlwind that included:

  • Speaking at online events, including encouraging my Christian friends working at the United Nations
  • I’m thrilled that authors Ann Voskamp, Jennifer Rothschild and Pam Farrel all helped spread the word about God-Given Dreams
  • I so appreciate those who endorsed my book including: Joyce Dinkins, Rebecca Garcia, Edward Gilbreath, Anthony Hewitt, Chris Luppo, Dr. Elizabeth Tamez Méndez and Rochelle Traub

You can check out some of the media outlets that interviewed me about God-Given Dreams on Abounding Faith’s Media page right here.

I hope you’ll pick up copies of God-Given Dreams for the wonderful women in your life. It’s available wherever books are sold and it’s available in print and as an audio and ebook. There’s also a free 7-day YouVersion Reading plan titled Live into Your God-Given Dreams. Having a plan on YouVersion is also a God-given dream come true!

Our Daily Bread Devotional Author – After years of waiting and praying and after writing behind the scenes, I’m so excited that my devotional articles are now being published in the Our Daily Bread devotional that reaches people all around the globe and is translated into 50+ languages! I’m so honored that my first article was a tribute to my Mom and my family’s salvation story and it ran on Mother’s Day this year! Only God could do that. I’m also touched whenever I get to share stories about my Dear Dad, my Hispanic heritage and my short-term missions trips. I share more thoughts and reflections in this blog post and Episode 64 of the Abounding Faith for Today podcast. Greetings to my ODB Readers! Thanks for your sweet messages! So glad you’re being encouraged by my devotional articles.

NYSB Instructor – It’s been another wonderful year of teaching online courses through the New York School of the Bible! I once again had such lovely students. I’m so grateful to have this space where we can come together as sisters in Christ (even if sometimes we’re in different states) to read and glean insight from Scripture and encourage one another in these online courses based on the Bible and many of my books. Only God could do that! Stay tuned for more information about the online courses I’ll be teaching in 2025.

Speaking – In addition to the interviews I did for radio, podcasts and online shows and the groups I spoke to during my book launch, I also spoke at:

  • Publishing in Color Conference – It was a blessing to get to pray for attendees (virtually) for the spring conference and to once again be a presenter at the fall conference
  • CWEN – What a joy it was to continue sharing encouraging devotional and prayer times with my CWEN Sisters. It’s always an honor to get to encourage my fellow female entrepreneurs with entries from my book Feisty Faith: Trusting God Day by Day (available on Amazon).

Abounding Faith for Today Podcast – I’m rejoicing that we hit Season 10 and crossed 60 episodes this year! Be sure to subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts so you don’t miss new episodes and tell your friends!

Abounding Faith’s YouTube Channel – Check out the 100+ encouraging videos shot here and abroad at Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a video.

Abounding Faith’s Online Store – Check out the NEW Living My God-Given Dreams collection. The journals, mugs, tote bags and more in the store make great gifts for you and yours.

Thank you for staying on this faith journey with me! I appreciate your continued prayers and support as I live out God’s call on my life in this season.

Only God knows what He has planned NEXT!

Whether you had a fabulous year or a tough one, I’d like to encourage you to hold on to these truths:

  • God is Good
  • God is Faithful
  • God is Sovereign, nothing surprises Him or thwarts His plans
  • God isn’t in a rush
  • Waiting doesn’t last forever (although many times if feels like that)
  • Storms do pass
  • God is with you in the storms
  • God loves YOU

When you think of me, please pray for me!

I’m so Thankful and Grateful for what God’s done, what He’s doing and what He will do!

To God be the glory!

Let’s stay connected and THRIVE in 2025 and beyond. Together, let’s continue encouraging and empowering people near and far as they walk by abounding faith, hope and love and dare to live their God-given dreams.

If you’re wondering how you can show your support for the work God’s called me to do in this season, check out the ideas mentioned in this short video. Blessings!


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