Happy National Book Lovers Day! Faithful Readers, I’m looking forward to sharing some writing news with you very soon. Please stay tuned!
In the meantime, if Abounding Faith’s five books have inspired or encouraged you in any way, I’d love to hear about it. Please leave a comment here or a kind review and rating on Amazon.
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So book lovers, your voice matters! Please tell your book lover friends about Abounding Faith’s encouraging, inspiring and empowering Bible-based books.
And don’t miss my upcoming announcements. Blessings and happy reading!
I’m an author, speaker, life coach, Bible school instructor and evangelist who wants to encourage and inspire you as you walk by abounding faith, hope and love and dare to live your God-given dreams! I’m also an author for Our Daily Bread. My NEW book God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress) is available wherever books are sold.
My books Feisty Faith, By Faith, Crossing Your Jordan River, Waiting on God Well and Abounding Faith are available on Amazon. To learn more about Abounding Faith’s books, coaching, the Abounding Faith for Today podcast, online store, YouTube channel and more, visit AboundingFaith.com. Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community today right here. Blessings!