Looking at these pics of my Readers makes me smile.
Working on books can seem glamorous sometimes, but there’s some painstaking work that goes on behind the scenes long before the book is released. I’m in the thick of the process right now with Book 5 and covet your prayers.
Why go through this arduous process again and again? Many times it can feel like an endless uphill climb.
But I write on!
Mainly because this is God’s call on my life in this season. He created me to create with words. He designed me to be a writer. And writers write. I’ve been writing since I was a child, eventually became a successful journalist and then God called me to lay down journalism and finally to pick up the pen to write for His glory. There’s a joy that comes from stringing words together that honor God.
The second reason I continue writing is because God has called me to encourage and exhort others. I’ve been walking with the Lord for quite some time now. I’ve learned a few things along my journey. God is asking me to share those insights with you, my Reader.
It’s a joy to encourage women and men of diverse backgrounds and ages. I love how my Readers represent different nationalities. This pic is just a snapshot of the lovely women and men who read Abounding Faith’s books and have attended various events over the years. I’m so touched that my books have blessed ministry leaders, Bible school students, those newer on their faith journey and women in shelters and nursing home residents, etc.
As I gear up to launch Book 5, I’m already praying and looking forward to all those who will read this latest book.
Will you pray for me as well? As Book 5 enters the production phase, I could use extra prayer support in this leg of the journey.
I look forward to sharing more news as the release date gets closer.
If you’d like to get sneak peeks at the cover and be among the first to know the title and other Book 5 news, you’re invited to become an Abounding Faith Dream Team member. You can learn more here.
Thanks for your continued support and prayers. Blessings!
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I’m an author, speaker, life coach, Bible school instructor and evangelist who wants to encourage and inspire you as you walk by abounding faith, hope and love and dare to live your God-given dreams! I’m also an author for Our Daily Bread. My NEW book God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress) is available wherever books are sold.
My books Feisty Faith, By Faith, Crossing Your Jordan River, Waiting on God Well and Abounding Faith are available on Amazon. To learn more about Abounding Faith’s books, coaching, the Abounding Faith for Today podcast, online store, YouTube channel and more, visit AboundingFaith.com. Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community today right here. Blessings!