As you may recall, my “One Word” for this year is SHINE. Oh my, what a time for all of us to SHINE for Christ!
God has been preparing us and has called us for such a time as this!
How are you holding up? Need a boost in your faith? Need an extra dose of hope?
Abounding Faith is dedicated to encouraging and inspiring you as you walk by faith, hope and love and live your God-given dreams. Abounding Faith empowers and equips men and women, young and older and those of diverse backgrounds to grow in their faith and love for God through uplifting books, online training, videos, podcast episodes and more,
As we approach the middle of 2020, here are a few updates from the first part of this challenging year:
- The Fuel Your Faith page is filled with encouraging videos, articles, podcast episodes and images created especially to help spur you on during this pandemic. You can check out the inspiring page packed with free and uplifting content here.
- The Abounding Faith: Choosing Faith Over Fear course I’m teaching through the New York School of the Bible (NYSB) this June will be a powerful time to help build and fortify your faith. We’ll delve into God’s Word and discuss God’s awesome track record for coming through for His people. You can take this edifying class from the comfort of your own home, no matter what state you’re in. You can learn more here.
- The NEW “Discovering Your God-Given Purpose” online course is perfect for you if you’re yearning to live with passion and purpose and desiring to make a difference in this world and in your generation, God has designed you for a specific purpose and for this time in history. You can learn more and sign up for this empowering course here.
- Book 5 – Stay tuned for an upcoming update.
God is Good! I’m so grateful that I can help bring hope and encouragement to hurting hearts and can help empower and equip those seeking God’s purpose for their lives and help build their faith.
I’m also grateful for your continued prayers and encouragement as I live out God’s call on my life in this season!
If you’re being blessed by Abounding Faith’s work and looking for ways to show your support, here are a few ideas to prayerfully consider:
Dream Team – Let’s join forces and SHINE together ✨ You can learn more here.
Abounding Faith’s Books – By Faith, Crossing Your Jordan River, Abounding Faith and Waiting on God Well will inspire you as you journey from your wilderness to your Promised Land. Order these uplifting books on Amazon for yourself or to help bolster someone else’s faith.
Online Store – Shop for unique and lovely mugs, journals, tote bags and other gift items exclusively at Abounding Faith’s online store.
Social media likes, shares and comments on Abounding Faith’s pages and kind Amazon book reviews are also always welcome.
Your faithful support of Abounding Faith’s work helps to continue spreading God’s love to those near and far and helps to ensure the production of future faith-fueling projects.
In these challenging times, my prayer is that we all draw closer to God and that our faith in Him will be strengthened. That’s at the core of all that Abounding Faith does.
Let’s not just go through this trying time, but grow through it.
Things may be rocky now, but take heart. God promises to work all things together for our good (Romans 8:28) and to turn our tears into dancing (Psalm 30:11).
God is seeing us through one day at a time.
Stay well. Stay encouraged. Choose faith over fear. Blessings to you and yours!
Want to know what’s happening at Abounding Faith? Join the mailing list and get updates about Abounding Faith’s books, events, podcast and more. As a thank you, you’ll get access to the free “7 Journal Writing Prompts to Fuel Your Faith” PDF.

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I’m an author, speaker, life coach, Bible school instructor and evangelist who wants to encourage and inspire you as you walk by abounding faith, hope and love and dare to live your God-given dreams! I’m also an author for Our Daily Bread. My NEW book God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress) is available wherever books are sold.
My books Feisty Faith, By Faith, Crossing Your Jordan River, Waiting on God Well and Abounding Faith are available on Amazon. To learn more about Abounding Faith’s books, coaching, the Abounding Faith for Today podcast, online store, YouTube channel and more, visit AboundingFaith.com. Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community today right here. Blessings!