Reflections on My Return Visit to Chapel at The Bowery Mission’s Women’s Center

“I’ve always wanted to meet the author!” That’s how one lady at The Bowery Mission’s Women’s Center welcomed me Thursday morning along with two big hugs! She’s read Crossing Your Jordan River and thanked me for writing it.

I’m so touched by her response. I went to be a blessing and God blessed and encouraged me as well!

My readers are the best!

It’s such a joy to get to encourage the lovely ladies at chapel.

It’s surreal to know my books are in their library. God is Good!

The ladies may be new each time I go there to minister, but I always feel welcome.

God is doing a beautiful work in the ladies’ lives.

I’m grateful for The Bowery Mission’s commitment to bringing hope and transformation to these women.

Continued blessings to my friends at The Bowery Mission! Learn more about their important work at