I like to joke that I was one of the last 5 people on the planet who was not on social media. I just wasn’t into it. But now I see the beauty of staying connected, and I enjoy encouraging folks all over the world online.
My goal is to inspire you and to remind you that God is Good, God Loves You, and Nothing is Impossible for God! I pray that you will be encouraged by my words, whether you’re reading them or hearing them, and that they will point you back to Christ!
Here’s a little overview of some of the different ways we can stay connected:
- I recently joined Twitter! You can find me at AboundInFaith. I try to post daily. I’ll usually start with a Bible verse and then tweet other updates or inspiring words throughout the day.
- I’ve finally entered the world of Instagram. You can find me at AboundingFaith. I plan to post at least once a day for now. You can find inspiring images and other miscellaneous shots there.
- I’m on Facebook. I’ve got my main Abounding Faith page and my Waiting on God Well Book page. I post inspirational verses and pics there throughout the day.
- You can also find Abounding Faith on YouTube and Pinterest.
I hope to see you on some of the above platforms! And I hope you’ll like and share my posts with others. With all the negativity that is out there in the world, I pray my posts will be uplifting and will help inspire you on your faith journey! Blessings!
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
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THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
I’m an author, speaker, life coach, Bible school instructor and evangelist who wants to encourage and inspire you as you walk by abounding faith, hope and love and dare to live your God-given dreams! I’m also an author for Our Daily Bread. My NEW book God-Given Dreams: 6 Ways to Live Your Divine Purpose (NavPress) is available wherever books are sold.
My books Feisty Faith, By Faith, Crossing Your Jordan River, Waiting on God Well and Abounding Faith are available on Amazon. To learn more about Abounding Faith’s books, coaching, the Abounding Faith for Today podcast, online store, YouTube channel and more, visit AboundingFaith.com. Join Abounding Faith’s Email Community today right here. Blessings!