

Happy Easter! He is Risen! The MiraculousLovely moment I’m sharing this week is one of my most precious “God moments” ever. It’s what helped inspire me to step out into evangelism and to go on short-term missions trips. I hope it blesses you!

I know that God sometimes speaks to people through dreams. He doesn’t usually do that for me, but back in March 2007 as I was getting ready for my trip to Israel I started dreaming with water. I saw ocean water, and I also dreamt that I was at an aquarium.  I didn’t know what to make of the dreams, but I was really looking forward to seeing the Mediterranean Sea, the Dead Sea, the Jordan River, and especially the Sea of Galilee!

I began to wonder what God would do when I visited all those famous bodies of water that I had grown up reading about in the Bible!

So the day finally came when the tour group was going on a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, and I was on high alert.  I just felt like God was going to do something special, and I didn’t want to miss it! It was a very overcast day, which was just fine with me.  The whole time we were in what they call a “Jesus boat” I kept looking out of the boat thinking, “Wow, this is what it must have been like the day the disciples got caught in the storm. And this is where Jesus walked on the water! What would I do if I saw Jesus walking on the water and He asked me to climb out?”

I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I kept my eyes peeled!  During the ride, the DJ started playing “Hava Nagila” and apparently for the first time the crew was inspired to show people how to dance to the song. I watched as a big circle formed in the center of the boat. Amid the celebration, one older woman said she was healed from a pain in her knee and was able to move around freely and dance again.  As amazing as that was, I was a little disappointed. I kept thinking that somehow my questions about my dreams with water would be answered during the boat ride.

Once the ride was over, I forgot about it and went along with my day.  As evening approached, we returned to our bungalow at the fabulous resort we were staying at by the Sea of Galilee and my mom and I went outside to enjoy the stunning scenery.  My mom began collecting rocks while I was drawn straight to the water.

In a moment that I will never forget, I looked out at the breathtaking Sea of Galilee in front of me and I opened my arms wide and exclaimed, “Oh, how beautiful!” And for some reason I looked down and saw my shadow in the water. To my delightful surprise, my shadow formed the shape of a cross.  At that moment, I felt Jesus whisper to me, “You were looking for me on the outside, but I am inside of you. You are a reflection of me.”

Amen! God did want to speak to me by the water but not in the way that I expected!  I thought it would be through something spectacular on the boat ride, but instead He showed up in a small, still voice and reminded me that He is always with me.

I had been a bit nervous about traveling to Israel, but that one moment helped to confirm to me that no matter where I go, God is with me because He lives inside of me. Knowing that has helped me launch out into many adventures over the years.

There is nothing more important than knowing that Almighty God is right there with you!  I pray that as believers, we would be like Moses who recognized the value of staying close to God.

“If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.  How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” (Exodus 33:15-16)

If this encouraged you or if you would like to share one of your MiraculousLovely moments, feel free to leave a comment below.

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